Tempat/Venue	:	RABAT, MOROCCO
Tarikh/Date	:	16-04-2002
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM 

        I  would like to thank the organisers, the Moroccan
   Islamic  Intellectuals, Think Tanks and Parliamentarians
   for the opportunity to meet and interact with you.
   2.    Muslims  throughout the world are  very  concerned
   about  the  poor  image of Islam, the  weakness  of  the
   Muslims  and  their oppression by others.  The  fate  of
   the  Palestinians is of course a good example of how far
   we  have  regressed since the great days of the  Islamic
   civilisation.   Today  Muslims can  be  terrorised  with
   impunity  by just about anybody.   And Muslim  countries
   can  do nothing to help beyond appealing to the rest  of
   the world, the non-Muslim world to intervene and put  an
   end  to the misery of our Muslim brothers.  And we  know
   how unproductive is such an appeal.
   3.    Many  of us are resigned to our fate.  We  believe
   there   is  nothing  we  can  do.   Some  even   console
   themselves with the belief that we will enjoy  a  better
   life  in the hereafter.  We believe that this life, this
   world  is  for  the infidels.  They can enjoy  life  now
   because they will be going to hell after death.  And  so
   we endure and we do nothing to improve our situation.
   4.    Then  there  are those who get so  frustrated  and
   angry   that  they  want  to  lash  out  against   their
   tormentors  blindly.   Never mind the  backlash  against
   the  Muslims.  Never mind the futility of their efforts.
   What  is  important to them is that they can vent  their
   anger.   They  believe they are fighting a holy  war,  a
   jihad.   They  believe  that they  will  become  martyrs
   whether they achieve anything or not.
   5.    We applaud their bravery but what they do does not
   help  Islam  or  the Muslims.  What  they  do  does  not
   improve  the image of the Muslims.  In fact they achieve
   the opposite effect.
   6.    Lashing  out blindly in anger will not bring  back
   the  glory  of the Muslim civilisation or Muslim  power.
   It  will  not  even achieve the immediate  objective  of
   punishing the enemy.  It is not even Islamic.
   7.    If we cannot just resign ourselves to our fate, if
   we cannot fight back in anger, then what can we do?
   8.    We  have a need to look to the past for  guidance,
   to  the  history of the founding of Islam and the Muslim
   community  and  the  creation  of  the  Muslim   empire.
   Indeed  we  have  to  look  at,  to  study  closely  the
   struggles  of  the Prophet of Islam, himself.   Muhammad
   s.a.w.  the  chosen of Allah, was the  most  outstanding
   leader  and  reformer in the history of mankind  and  he
   cannot  but  be the role model for us.  It is  not  just
   because  of  our  faith but he is  indeed  an  exemplary
   model for us.
   9.    Favoured by Allah, chosen by Him, Muhammad  s.a.w.
   struggles  to  spread the message of  Islam  could  have
   been  made easy.  Allah had only to say "Be" and it will
   "Be".   But  the Prophet was not given an easy  passage.
   He  had to struggle against tremendous odds for a  third
   of  his  lifetime.  He had difficulty even  to  convince
   close  family members and friends.  He was  vilified  in
   Mekah,  chased out of Taif, and had to escape to Madinah
   when  his enemies wanted to kill him.  He lost  and  won
   battles, was seriously wounded and was betrayed by  some
   of his own followers.
   10.  But we know he succeeded.  He succeeded because  of
   his  belief,  his faith in his role as the Messenger  of
   Allah,   his  willingness  to  suffer  the  trials   and
   tribulations,  his tenacity and his  patience.   He  did
   not just pray for divine help but for 23 long years,  he
   worked  hard and when he died as all mortals  must  die,
   he  had set Islam on such a firm footing that 1400 years
   later 1.3 billion people still adhere to Islam.
   11.   If today the Muslims are oppressed and hunted like
   animals  sometimes, it is not because of  Islam,  it  is
   because  we have not taken the struggles of our  Prophet
   as   our  guide,  as  an  example  of  how  to  overcome
   adversity  and  how to succeed.  It is  because  by  and
   large  we  have  not  adhered to the true  teachings  of
   Islam.   We are too much involved in the interpretation,
   reinterpretation       and      reinterpreting       the
   reinterpretation of the esoteric aspects of  Islam  that
   we  have  become confused and we have ignored  even  the
   clear fundamental teachings of Islam.
   12.   We are enjoined to seek hassanah in this world and
   in  the next but clearly we are not striving hard enough
   for  hassanah in this world, or else why are we in  such
   a  terrible  state now.  Allah wants  us  to  achieve  a
   balance  between dunia and akhirat.  But we are  instead
   abandoning   this  world  to  the  non-believers   while
   striving  only  for the akhirat.  This  is  against  the
   fundamentals of Islam.
   13.   Then there is the brotherhood of the Muslims which
   Islam  enjoins upon us.  Can we say that we Muslims  are
   brothers?   If  we  are  then  can  we  squabble   among
   ourselves  on what to do while our brothers in Palestine
   and  elsewhere  are  being  slaughtered?  Every  time  a
   proposal   is  made  to  solve  a  problem   we   cannot
   unanimously  agree to the proposal.  And if  we  make  a
   counter proposal the others will not agree either.   And
   so  we  remain divided and have never achieved the unity
   of  the  Muslim  brotherhood.   In  fact  when  we  call
   ourselves the Muslim Brotherhood the first thing  we  do
   is  to condemn other Muslims and to kill them even.  Yet
   we  know  that the first thing the Prophet  did  was  to
   unite  the  warring Arab tribes through Islam,  to  make
   them  brother of each other and to start the  spread  of
   Islam aided by the previously warring tribes.
   14.   We all know this of course.  We all know the Quran
   and  the  Hadith  and we can quote the passages  at  any
   time.   But  can  we  honestly say we practice  what  is
   taught us by the Quran and the Hadith?
   15.   The early Muslims were great scholars, scientists,
   mathematicians  and  doctors.  Today  other  than  those
   learned   in   religion  there  is  hardly  any   Muslim
   scholars,  scientists,  mathematicians  and  doctors  of
   good  repute.  Yet we know that the Quran  urges  us  to
   observe  the creations of Allah, the sky and the  earth,
   the  rain that falls, the plants that grow as a  result,
   so  the animals can eat and we can use them for food and
   for transport.
   16.   Are we being asked merely to observe these  things
   or  are  we supposed to study these  creations of  Allah
   so  that  we  can apply them for the betterment  of  our
   lives?   Surely observation means study.   Obviously  we
   are  not  studying.   And yet when  others  apply  their
   observations  of Allah's creation and produce  food  and
   the  products which enhance the quality of our lives  we
   are quick to use them, to pay high prices for them.
   17.  Why are we not studying Allah's creation?  About  a
   century  before the fall of Muslim Spain,  Muslims  were
   urged  to  study only religion and nothing else.   Today
   we  are  still  urged to neglect other knowledge  except
   religious  knowledge.  Other knowledge  is  regarded  as
   secular  and will not give us merit for akhirat.   As  a
   result  Muslims everywhere are backward, badly  educated
   and  are incapable of applying modern knowledge  in  the
   administration and development of Muslim  countries,  in
   their defence and the protection of the ummah.

   18.   Unfortunately  we are not even learning  the  true
   teachings  of  our  religion.   What  we  learn  is  the
   appearances  or the forms rather than the  substance  of
   religious teachings.
   19.   What is strongly enjoined upon us to carry out  is
   often  ignored.  It is for example the duty  of  Muslims
   to  prepare  for the defence of the ummah.  But  instead
   of  emphasising  defence we think of keeping  horses  as
   the  sunnah of the Prophet.  And so we do not learn  the
   sciences  and the skills to make the modern  weapons  of
   war.  We are happy to buy them second hand.
   20.   As  Muslims  we must know our religion.   We  must
   study  it.  We must understand enough not to deviate  or
   to  be  mislead.  But surely this level of understanding
   will  not  take up all our time.  Surely  we  will  have
   time  to study and acquire the knowledge needed  for  us
   to  be  able  to invent and produce our needs,  for  our
   everyday  life,  for our community and most  importantly
   for  the  defence of the ummah.  Still  we  accept  that
   some  of  us  must  spend  their  whole  life  to  study
   religion  but must all of us be experts in religion  and
   nothing else.
   21.   We  missed  the Industrial Revolution  because  we
   were  suspicious  of the products of  industry.   It  is
   difficult to imagine now but for a long time we did  not
   allow  the  Quran to be printed, we did  not  allow  our
   mosques  to  be  lit  up by electricity,  we  were  even
   against   paintings,  photography  and  the  television.
   Some  Muslim religious scholars even refuse  to  believe
   that  man had landed on the moon.  But we cannot  reject
   reality.  Some of us try to recreate the environment  of
   1400  years ago because we believe that we can live  the
   life  of true Muslims by so doing.  But actually we  are
   denigrating  Islam by inferring that Islam  is  suitable
   for  life  in that period only.  We must certainly  know
   that  Islam  is  for all times.  Islam  is  as  suitable
   today as it was when the Prophet was alive.
   22.   Because  we missed the Industrial Revolution,  our
   countries  failed  to  develop  and  benefit  from   the
   advances made possible by modern industry.  We  have  to
   depend  on  others for our needs.  And  being  dependent
   mean not being independent.
   23.    Currently   the  world  is  going   through   the
   Information Revolution.  It looks like we may miss  this
   revolution  also.  And our independence will  be  eroded
   24.   The  world that we live in today is a  world  that
   has  been  shaped by others.  It is so  because  we  are
   weak  and  disunited.  We cannot ignore this  new  world
   however.   We cannot isolate ourselves.  The world  will
   not   let   us.   We  have  therefore  to  develop   our
   capacities to deal with the new challenges facing us.
   25.   There  was a time where we could do what  we  like
   within   our  borders.  But  globalisation   implies   a
   borderless  world and we cannot hide behind our  borders
   any  more.  The assault against us will not be  military
   but economic.
   26.   Globalisation is about economics,  about  economic
   management, economic development, economic strength  and
   economic  forces.   If we fail to develop  economically,
   we  will  go under, we will be dominated and  will  lose
   our  independence  even  though  not  a  single  foreign
   soldier will step on our soil.
   27.    It  is  therefore  imperative  that  apart   from
   acquiring  modern knowledge we emphasise  the  study  of
   modern  economics  and  finance and  we  learn  economic
   management.  Whether our countries will survive  or  not
   will  depend  on how much we understand the science  and
   art  of building economic strength.  The development  of
   our  countries depend on this.  Industrialisation, trade
   and  prudent  financial management  are  more  important
   than  political  skills  or even military  strength  and
   prowess.  Being brave and being ready to die for  Islam,
   is not enough and may even be counter productive.
   28.    We   are   seeing  today  rich  countries   being
   impoverished  because of the lack of  skills  to  manage
   foreign  debt, or to attract foreign direct investments,
   or  to export and to trade and to handle a thousand  and
   one  economic  problems.  Perfectly good  economies  can
   suddenly   come   under  attack   of   speculators   and
   impoverished literally overnight.
   29.   Skilful and unscrupulous people are on the lookout
   for   opportunities   to  exploit  the   weaknesses   of
   countries.  They control the world media which  aid  and
   abet  them in creating an atmosphere conducive for their
   exploitation.   Once  they have impoverished  a  country
   their  colleagues  move  in to  pick  the  pieces.   You
   cannot  fight them with military forces.  You  can  only
   fight   them  with  financial  and  economic  management
   30.   Out  there  the great banks and  corporations  are
   furiously merging and acquiring each other in  order  to
   become  even bigger.  They will talk about level playing
   fields  but  they  learn that size  will  determine  who
   wins.  And they want to be the biggest in their fields.
   31.   Once there was opposition to monopolies and  anti-
   trust  laws were enacted.  Today no one is stopping  the
   corporations   from   trying  to   monopolise   business
   worldwide.   In  any industry, there will eventually  be
   only  two  or  three  players.  They will  dominate  the
   world.    They   will  be  so  big  and  powerful   that
   governments  will have to bow to them.   If  governments
   refuse they have merely to pull out and governments  and
   countries will be practically bankrupted.
   32.   The international financial system of today  gives
   tremendous  power  to  those  with  access  to  capital.
   Obviously  the poor countries will not have the  capital
   to  counter their attacks.  The reserves that they  have
   are  nothing  compared to the funds that the speculators
   have  at  their  disposal.  Once  they  attack,  defence
   would  be  quite  impossible.  And so, strong  economies
   can  go  under  unless they have managed their  finances
   and  economy well and can find some ways to retain their
   33.   I  am  painting a black picture of the future  for
   the  developing countries because the future  is  really
   not  promising.   We can only defend  ourselves  if  the
   economic  management of our countries is good.   And  to
   be  good  we must have the knowledge and the  skills  to
   administer and develop our countries, to understand  the
   international economic and financial systems, and to  be
   united in protecting our interest.  We fail to do so  at
   our  own  peril.  Once dominated it would  be  extremely
   difficult for us to release ourselves.  We cannot  blame
   others  for really we are to blame because we  have  our
   priorities  wrong, because we did not  seek  to  balance
   the  hassanah  in this world, with the hassanah  in  the
   next,  because  we  seek  divine  help  without  helping
   ourselves first.

   34.  Today the image of Islam is far from being that  of
   the  Islam  of  the Prophet.  Despite  the  1.3  billion
   Muslims  in this world we are unable to do anything  for
   ourselves.   We  live at the mercy of others.   If  they
   want  to,  they  can wipe us out with the nuclear  bombs
   that  they have.  In fact it is rumoured that destroying
   Mekah  and  Madinah with nuclear bombs was  one  of  the
   options   some people were thinking of in the  aftermath
   of  the September 11th  attack.

   35.   Yet  it  is well within our means to  develop  and
   grow  and  to  equip ourselves with all the  wherewithal
   needed  to gain the respect of the world, to change  the
   image  of Islam for the better.  Allah has given  us  so
   much  wealth already.  All that is really needed is  for
   us  to  use  this wealth prudently.  Only when  we  have
   seriously made the effort can we expect success  through
   divine intervention.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


