Tempat/Venue	:	BAHRAIN
Tarikh/Date	:	21-04-2002
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM 

        I  am  most  delighted to be here today  with  the
   presence of prominent business leaders of Bahrain.
   2.    We  are  honoured to have with us His  Excellency
   Shaikh  Khalifa  bin  Salman Al Khalifa.  What  we  are
   witnessing today is a testimony of a concrete  form  of
   collaboration   between  Malaysia  and  Bahrain.   This
   collaboration  is the establishment of Malaysian  Trade
   and  Distribution Centre (MTDC) in Bahrain. When it  is
   completed  and  operationalised, it will be  Malaysia's
   first  comprehensive trade exhibition and  distribution
   centre in West Asia.
   3.   This project is realised through the collaborative
   efforts of both countries. The Government of Bahrain is
   providing the land for the Centre, while the Government
   of   Malaysia  is  responsible  for  the   design   and
   construction as well as the management and operation of
   the Centre.
   4.    Bahrain was selected for the establishment of the
   MTDC because:
   - it   is   gaining   importance  as  a   re-export   and
     distribution   centre  in  the  West   Asia   and   the
     neighbouring  countries with well  developed  port  and
     airport  facilities,  as  well as logistics  facilities
     for warehousing and distribution.
   - its status as the hub of banking and insurance services
     in West Asia.
   5.    The Centre will complement the services sector on
   banking,  insurance and port facilities that  are  made
   available by Malaysian companies in Bahrain. With  this
   package  of facilities, Malaysian exporters to  Bahrain
   and  its  surrounding region will  be  able  to  obtain
   benefit  from  a  network  of services  and  facilities
   offered by Malaysian companies.
   6.    For  Malaysia, the Centre will serve  to  promote
   Malaysia  as  a  manufacturer and exporter  of  quality
   products  and  services in Bahrain and its  surrounding
   region. This is in tandem with the promotion of Bahrain
   as  a  trade,  services,  distribution  and  industrial
   centre   in  the  region.  Therefore,  we  are  working
   together  to  promote,  facilitate  and  expand   trade
   between  Malaysia  and  Bahrain  and  the  neighbouring
   7.    With  a  total  floor space of more  than  37,000
   square  metres, the Centre will have two main buildings
   for    retail    and    warehouse    facilities.    The
   emporium/hypermarket will form an  important  component
   which  will  provide retail space for a wide  range  of
   "Made-in Malaysia" products.
   8.    For  Malaysian companies, the Centre  provides  a
   platform  to  explore and familiarise  themselves  with
   potential and emerging markets in West Asia. There will
   also  be facilities to showcase Malaysian products  and
   services that are available for export. The Centre will
   also facilitate export through bulk shipment to Bahrain
   and  the  surrounding markets which  will  help  reduce
   costs  of transportation and handling.  The warehousing
   facilities   are   conducive  for   bulk-breaking   and
   repacking  of  smaller  orders  for  redistribution  to
   buyers and importers in the region.
   9.    The  strategic location of this  Centre  provides
   easy   accessibility   to  the  public   and   business
   community.  For the business community in  Bahrain  and
   the  neighbouring  countries, the Centre  will  provide
   opportunities for them to view and inspect  samples  as
   well  as  make  enquiries  on  Malaysian  products  and
   services that are available for export.
   10.   To  make it a Centre that will also be attractive
   to   families,   the  Centre  will  have  entertainment
   facilities  for  the  family, food outlets,  individual
   specialty  shops, cineplex, sales and  service  centre,
   and health centre/gymnasium.
   11.  Other facilities that are available include:
   - Floor  space  for  individual  Malaysian  exporters  to
     undertake   special  events  and  company   promotions,
     product launches and demonstrations.
   - A  resource library which will be equipped with on-line
     databases   on   Malaysian   exporters   and    product
   - Audio-visual  facilities with  adequate  equipment  for
     business  presentation and also to view  corporate  and
     product information.
   - Conference  and  seminar  rooms  for  hosting  business
     presentations and meetings, particularly for  Malaysian
     companies to promote their products and services.
   - Offices  for  the Malaysian External Trade  Development
     Corporation  (MATRADE) and Malaysian Tourism  Promotion
     Board (MTPB).
   12.  By incorporating Malaysian architecture and design
   features,  this Centre will soon become a new  landmark
   building in Bahrain, particularly Manama.
   13    In line with the "Malaysia Incorporated Concept",
   the  management and operation of MTDC Bahrain  will  be
   conducted by a Malaysian private sector entity  jointly
   with their Bahraini partner.
   14.  With the establishment of the MTDC, I am confident
   that  the business community of both our countries will
   be  able to enhance business linkages and collaboration
   for  their mutual benefit. Consumers in Bahrain and the
   region  will have opportunities not only to  know  more
   about Malaysian products and services, but also able to
   purchase  them  direct from the retail outlets  at  the
   Centre. For the traders, purchases can be made from the
   centre  for distribution or re-export to the  countries
   in  the  region.  This  will  certainly  lead  to  more
   exchanges of trade between the two countries.
   15.  On this note, I would like to thank Prime Minister
   Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and the Government
   of  Bahrain  for the strong support and  assistance  in
   making the establishment of this Centre a reality.  The
   construction  of  the centre will  commence  soon.  And
   Insya Allah, it can start operation at the end of 2003.
   Thank you.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


