Tarikh/Date	:	19/07/2002
			ISLAM (KALIF 2002)
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM 

   "The State of the Muslim World Today :
   Knowledge as a tool of Muslim Political Empowerment"
        I  would  like  to  thank the organisers  of  this
   International Forum on Islam for inviting me  to  speak
   on "The State of the Muslim World Today: Knowledge as a
   tool of Muslim Political Empowerment."
   2.    What  is the state of the Muslim World Today?   I
   don't  think it would be wrong to state that the Muslim
   world  is at its lowest ebb, and is probably continuing
   to  decline and to fall.  Ever since the Turkish Muslim
   Empire  fell  before  the  onslaught  of  the  European
   nations, not only was the Muslim world broken  up  into
   small  and  ineffective nation-states but it has  never
   been  able  to  stage  a recovery,  much  less  to  re-
   establish itself on the world stage.  Individually  the
   Muslim  states have not been able to make any  progress
   or impact.
   3.    In  fact  for many of the peoples of the  Turkish
   Empire,  their cooperation with the Europeans in  order
   to  free themselves from Turkish rule, only resulted in
   a  change  of colonial masters from Turkish to  British
   and  French.   It was only after a long time  and  with
   great   difficulty  that  they  managed  to   extricate
   themselves from European colonial rule.
   4.    Independence has not enabled them to develop  and
   to  regain  the  political  clout  of  the  old  Muslim
   empires.   Instead they have been faced  with  internal
   problems  which prevent them from making any  progress.
   Even  when they are richly endowed they have  not  been
   able  to  make  any  real progress in  terms  of  their
   influence  in  international  affairs.   Not  a  single
   Muslim  country  is  to be found  among  the  developed
   nations of the world.
   5.    When  the  Industrial Revolution took  place  the
   Muslim  World  was  still  relatively  undivided.   But
   Muslims  as  a  whole  were  either  unaware   of   the
   Revolution or rejected it.  For a long time much of the
   results  of the Industrial Revolution whether in  terms
   of  material gains or systems were rejected by  Muslims
   as unIslamic.
   6.    Electricity  for  example was  not  used  by  the
   Muslims  because  for  some  unknown  reason   it   was
   considered to be against Islam.  Mosques could  not  be
   lighted  with  electricity.  It was haram according  to
   the Muslim learned ones.  Only about 30 years ago there
   was at least one Muslim country which insisted on using
   oil lamps instead of electricity.
   7.    Mechanised vehicles were also considered as haram
   and  may  not be used to carry the coffin of the  dead.
   Paintings  of human and animal figures were prohibited,
   as was the wearing of non-baggy trousers and peak-caps.
   The progress in weaponry in the West was not duplicated
   in  the Muslim world.  Instead when finally a change of
   weapons  was  allowed they had to be sourced  basically
   from the enemy.
   8.    We  may think that it is unrealistic if not silly
   to  label  industrial products as haram, but  in  those
   days  they were fanatically serious in considering them
   as  haram.   Indeed the Turkish Yanisari revolted  when
   western-style uniforms were introduced.  The ulamas had
   condemned  these  western things and  Governments  must
   obey these injunction or risk being labelled unIslamic.
   And   so  we  lost  valuable  time  as  the  Industrial
   Revolution passed by us.
   9.   Not only did we miss the Industrial Revolution but
   we also missed the developments which followed which we
   also looked upon with suspicion.  Not so very long  ago
   in  Malaysia television sets were thrown into the river
   because  some religious teachers declared  them  to  be
   haram.  It sounds silly now but it is amazing how  many
   people believed these ignorant teachers.
   10.  Today and rightly so we are even more concerned about
   what  is haram and halal but unfortunately we often  go
   overboard.  Thus in Afghanistan so powerful is the belief
   that no part of a woman may be seen by strangers that the
   women themselves refuse to take off the burqa even when
   they  are allowed to.  Yet in other parts of the Muslim
   world it is permissible to leave the face and the hands
   uncovered.     Who decreed these dress codes  which  so
   occupy  the  minds of Muslims that they  neglect  those
   injunctions of Islam which are so important  for  their
   safety and security?
   11.   Thus  the injunctions of Islam on more  important
   matters  are  ignored with impunity.  Thus  brotherhood
   of  Muslims is openly disregarded.  Muslims who declare
   themselves  as  brothers in Islam often make  it  their
   duty  to  fight and kill other Muslims.  They would  in
   the name of Islam condemn these Muslims as infidels  in
   order  to justify their enmity towards them.  If we  go
   by  their  criteria  for being Muslim  then  there  are
   probably  no Muslims in the world.  In any  case  Islam
   forbids  the  frivolous labelling of other  Muslims  as
   12.   Similarly  we  are  enjoined  by  Islam  to  seek
   knowledge.   A  well-known hadith states that  we  must
   seek  knowledge even from China.  At the  time  of  the
   Prophet  what  was  the knowledge available  in  China?
   Certainly  not  about Islam.  China had  at  that  time
   already  developed  a good system of Government,  great
   scientific  knowledge,  a high  level  of  agriculture.
   They  had produced paper and ink and explosives  and  a
   variety of scientific instruments.
   13.   But  Muslims ignore this important injunction  to
   seek  knowledge.  At the beginning, yes, they did  seek
   knowledge.   And so there were great Muslim physicians,
   scientists,  mathematicians,  astronomers,  geographers
   etc  during  the  great days of the Muslim  empire  and
   civilisation.    In   fact   the   great   empire   and
   civilisation  was partly the result of these  scholars,
   these  seekers  of knowledge.  But later knowledge  was
   interpreted as religious knowledge only and  the  study
   of  other  kinds  of knowledge was regarded  as  either
   sinful  or as lacking in merit, as not contributing  to
   the  afterlife.  And so the pursuit of knowledge  other
   than the specifically religious was neglected.  To this
   day  we  neglect  such  knowledge and  Muslim  students
   studying  these non-religious subjects feel guilty  and
   try  to  make up by devoting as much of their  time  as
   possible  to  various so-called Islamic  activities  in
   order  to  earn  merit.   The  result  is  that  Muslim
   students hardly ever achieve excellence in the sciences
   etc, including in the research so necessary in order to
   compete  with the rest of the non-Muslim world.   Later
   in  life these graduates are not able to contribute  to
   the  recovery of the past glory of the Muslims.   Worse
   still they are not even motivated to do so.
   14.   One  of  the important fundamental  teachings  of
   Islam  is the need to be equipped with the weapons  and
   defense  capability  in order to instill  fear  in  the
   enemy  and  to  defend  the ummah.   This  teaching  is
   obviously  neglected  for even  a  race  with  just  13
   million people in the whole world can defeat the forces
   of  1.3 billion Muslims.  In fact just about anyone can
   oppress  any  Muslim country and there is  nothing  the
   Muslim countries can do beyond crying and appealing for
   15.   Because  of  all these and many more  the  Muslim
   World  of  Today is hopelessly weak and backward.   Can
   knowledge empower the Muslims Politically?  It  can  of
   course.   But  one  has to remember that  there  is  no
   single  cause for anything that happens in  the  world.
   Lack  of knowledge alone is not the cause and acquiring
   knowledge   alone   will  not  empower   the   Muslims.
   Certainly  knowledge that is not applied  will  benefit
   the Muslims not at all.
   16.   Together with the acquisition of knowledge  there
   must  be  also  a change in attitude, a change  in  the
   mindset  and values which always hold us back  whenever
   we  seek  to  empower ourselves.  The majority  of  the
   Muslims  of today do not believe in worldly well-being,
   including worldly security.   They do not believe  that
   Muslims  can  ever  be  as advanced  as  the  developed
   countries.   Instead they believe there  is  already  a
   Muslim renaissance as evidenced by the obvious piety of
   more  Muslims and their return to the dress codes which
   are considered Muslim.
   17.   I spoke about our attitude towards the Industrial
   Revolution.    The  suspicions  of  the   products   of
   Industrial  Revolution  is  the  result  of  the  wrong
   interpretations of the teachings of Islam.   Thus  when
   we  are  enjoined to seek knowledge we  defined  it  as
   knowledge  about religion only.  When we are  asked  to
   defend ourselves, we stress instead the weapons of  the
   armies  of  the Prophet, considering riding skills  and
   the  use  of bows and arrows as important and  not  the
   capacity to defend.  Even when Islam enjoins upon us to
   be  just,  we ignore justice but uphold the  procedures
   only.  Clearly our teachings do not emphasise the  real
   priority  in Islam.  We are taught to uphold the  forms
   rather  than the substance of the religion  we  believe
   18.   Before  we  can  pursue  knowledge  we  have   to
   understand the teachings of Islam regarding the reasons
   and  the need to acquire knowledge.  Frequently we  are
   told  that we must not seek knowledge for the  sake  of
   knowledge.   But  we must know that at some  stage  the
   knowledge we acquire may come in useful.  Why study the
   structure of an atom when it does not promise  anything
   that  can  be useful to us?  But we know now  that  our
   failure to study the structure and the forces contained
   in the atom has made us vulnerable to total destruction
   by  the nuclear devices developed through the knowledge
   of   the elements and basic structure of materials  and
   their properties.
   19.   We  must  also  banish this idea  that  the  only
   knowledge that we need acquire is about Islam.  Neglect
   of  other  knowledge has lead to our lack of industrial
   capacity, our capacity to invent and produce weapons to
   instill fear in the enemy and to defend ourselves.   We
   must  stop  thinking that the acquisition of  knowledge
   other  than  religious  knowledge  gives  no  merit  in
   afterlife.   Surely  if  the knowledge  we  pursue  can
   contribute  to the fulfilment of the Quranic injunction
   to  defend ourselves such knowledge must give us  merit
   in the afterlife.  There is no need to feel guilty when
   we  study  these  other  subjects.   We  should  indeed
   consider  that  it is an important ibadat,  an  Islamic
   injunction that is no less meritorious than  the  study
   of  religion.   Indeed our ability  to  study  religion
   depends on our capacity to defend ourselves.
   20.   It  is only if we succeed in changing our mindset
   regarding  the  acquisition of non-religious  knowledge
   that  we can seriously pursue knowledge to a level that
   has  been  achieved in the countries of our detractors.
   And  when  that  is  achieved and is  followed  by  the
   application of the knowledge then it can be a tool  for
   our empowerment.  The correct interpretation of what is
   enjoined  by  Islam with regard to the  acquisition  of
   knowledge  is therefore crucial.    We must  not  allow
   ourselves  to  be  again  side-tracked  by  the  skewed
   interpretations of Islam which had  lead us to miss the
   Industrial   Revolution,  to  reject  electricity   and
   mechanical  products,  and to reduce  our  capacity  to
   defend  our  faith and ourselves.  We must  accept  the
   reality of life today.  We cannot anymore reject  those
   things  which have come to be used universally.   Islam
   is  not  just  a  religion for the 7th Century  of  the
   Christian  Era.  It is a religion for all times.   With
   time  things  change.  After 1400  years  of  Islam  we
   cannot expect to live in the same environment and under
   the  same  conditions as were found in the 7th Century.
   Islam  has  provided  for  this  change,  if  only   we
   interprete  Islam  properly.   Islam  is  not  a  rigid
   religion.  There are many provisions in Islam  to  take
   care of all situations.
   21.  There is a story of a Malaysian lady who went to a
   European  country.  It was time for midday  prayer  and
   she  was  in a restaurant.  She insisted on not missing
   prayer time and prayed in the toilet of the restaurant.
   Apparently she had not been taught that when  a  Muslim
   is  away from home he or she may pray ahead or after  a
   particular prayer time, may shorten the prayer and pray
   for two prayer times together.  Allah has given us this
   facility  so as not to burden us.  It is we  who  chose
   not  to  avail ourselves of Allah's bounty.  It is  not
   Islam  which obstructs our progress.  It is  the  wrong
   and  rigid  interpretations which we are  taught  which
   hinders progress.
   22.    Similarly  in  education,  in  the  search   for
   knowledge,  Islam is not to blame but it is the  narrow
   interpretation  of Islam that has resulted  in  Muslims
   being  so backward in many fields of knowledge  crucial
   to their own well-being.
   23.   Of  course knowledge can be a tool to empower  us
   politically.   But pure knowledge will get  us  nowhere
   unless we learn how to apply that knowledge to our  own
   advantage and for the betterment of our life.
   24.  If knowledge is to be for our empowerment then  it
   must  contribute  towards  our  economic,  social   and
   security  needs.   Knowledge  is  not  static.   It  is
   accumulating and expanding all the time.  The quest for
   knowledge must therefore be continuous.  There  has  to
   be  specialists  who are experts in particular  fields.
   In  the quest for knowledge there must be a division of
   labour.    Some  must  master  the  sciences  and   the
   different  branches of science, mathematics,  medicine,
   etc.   Within  the  Muslim community which  number  1.3
   billion  every field of knowledge can be pursued.   And
   new  fields  must  be  uncovered  all  the  time.   And
   certainly  there must always be an adequate number  who
   pursue  religious knowledge.  This division  of  labour
   within  the ummah will result not only in an  empowered
   society but a balanced one.
   25.  The discovery of new knowledge must not be left to
   others.   In  the  past it was knowledge  pioneered  by
   Muslims  which was acquired by the Europeans to  enable
   them  to  power their industrial development.  To  this
   day   the  knowledge  pioneered  by  Muslims  such   as
   Algorithm  developed by Al Khwarizmi is being  used  in
   the  design  of the circuits on the microchip.   It  is
   Algorithm   which  makes  IT  hardware   and   software
   possible.   But Muslims themselves have  not  used  the
   knowledge pioneered by the Muslims.  In many  cases  we
   don't even learn them.
   26.   While we can learn to apply such knowledge  there
   is  no  reason why we cannot pioneer new knowledge  and
   the  applications.  If we are able to do this then once
   again  we can gain an edge over the others as  we  once
   did  when  Muslims  pioneered and  dominated  the  many
   fields   of  knowledge.   Muslim  migrants   to   other
   countries  are pioneering new knowledge simply  because
   their own countries provide them with no facilities  or
   27.   Clearly  when  we reach the  stage  of  pioneers,
   knowledge literally means power.  But even before  that
   the  mastery of knowledge will enable us to compete  on
   equal  footing  with  others.  We  would  certainly  be
   empowered and we would be able to lift ourselves up out
   of the very inferior position that we are in.
   28.   The  pursuit of knowledge and following that  the
   acquisition  of the skills to apply the knowledge  will
   take  a  considerable  period  of  time.   We  have  to
   remember  that knowledge is not static.  It  is  moving
   all  the  time  and  today the speed of  discovery  and
   development of new knowledge is exponential.   It  will
   take time to acquire knowledge.  We have to accept  the
   need  to  be patient.  It may take a decade or  even  a
   century.  Remember when we were at the peak during  the
   great  days  of our Islamic Civilisation, it  took  the
   Europeans  several hundred years  to  catch  up.    But
   catch  up  they did and then they passed us completely.
   We  will  have  to accept the need to  struggle  for  a
   considerable length of time.  But fortunately knowledge
   is  much  less hidden now than it was before.  Most  of
   the  knowledge there is is well documented  and  easily
   available.   Modern  technology  makes  all  knowledge,
   except   a   few  which  are  concerned  with   defence
   applications, easily accessible.
   29.  The next problem is the vastness of the field.  We
   have  to  divide our manpower, within the  country  and
   between the countries in order to be able to cover  the
   knowledge in all fields.
   30.   If  we are prepared to overcome all the  problems
   which  can hamper our acquisition of knowledge  and  we
   are   patient  enough  then  God  willing,  Insyaallah,
   knowledge can empower us.  There is no quick fix.   One
   particular people waited for 2000 years.  We  will  not
   have  to  wait that long if we understand the need  for
   knowledge and we learn the lessons of history.
   31.   I  hope  your conference will be realistic  about
   this.  It is easy to agree that knowledge is a tool for
   our  political empowerment.  But mere agreement is  not
   going to lead us anywhere.  We really do not need  more
   seminars  and conferences which will end  up  with  the
   obvious conclusions.  We need to act and how we  should
   act  to implement the obvious is what should occupy our
   minds and our time now.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


