Tarikh/Date	:	12/08/2002
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM 

       It is a pleasure to extend a warm welcome to Your
   Excellency  Dr Mari Bim Amude Alkatiri, Prime  Minister
   of  the  Democratic Republic of Timor  Leste,  and  the
   distinguished members of your delegation  to  Malaysia.
   I  am  indeed honoured that Your Excellency has  chosen
   Malaysia  as the first country to visit since  assuming
   the  office of Prime Minister of your newly independent
   country.   I  hope  that  you  and  members   of   your
   delegation  will have a pleasant and fruitful  stay  in
   2.    I  would  also like to take this  opportunity  to
   congratulate  the  people  of  Timor  Leste  on   their
   independence, the first independent nation of  the  new
   millennium.  The road to nationhood has been  long.  It
   has required difficult decisions and severe sacrifices.
   The  Timorese  Leste  should be  very  proud  of  their
   3.    As  the Timorese Leste now set out to shape their
   own  destiny,  they  will face trials  and  challenges.
   While  they  succeeded in one challenge -  winning  the
   independence - this only paves the way for  many  more.
   I  am confident that with the support of the people and
   countries  of  this  region, Your  Excellency  and  the
   Government of Timor Leste can rebuild and develop  your
   country  towards  realising  the  aspirations  of  your
   people for a peaceful and prosperous country.
   4.    I am happy to note that cooperation and relations
   between  Timor  Leste  and  Malaysia  have  been,   and
   continue  to  be  further strengthened.   Malaysia  was
   among  the first to set up a Liaison Office in Dili  in
   April  2000  in  our efforts to foster  and  facilitate
   closer cooperation and relations with Timor Leste.   As
   you  are aware, Your Excellency, we have since upgraded
   the  Liaison Office to a full-fledged Embassy on 20 May
   this    year,   in   conjunction   with   Timor   Leste
   independence.   Also, we welcome the  establishment  of
   your  embassy  here  and the recent  appointment  of  a
   resident Ambassador, His Excellency Djafar Alcatiri.
   5.    As a newly independent country, Timor Leste  will
   have to face many challenges in the years ahead, yet be
   assured that Malaysia's commitment to develop close and
   mutually  beneficial relations with your  country  will
   continue.  We will maintain our cooperation with you in
   your  development  efforts within  our  capacities  and
   abilities,  under  the Malaysian Technical  Cooperation
   Programme (MTCP).  We will continue to provide training
   for  Timor  Leste Defence Force personnel to help  them
   increase  their capabilities in maintaining  peace  and
   stability  in your country.  We are supportive  of  the
   continued  and  important presence of  UNMISET  (United
   Nations  Mission of Support for Timor Leste) to  ensure
   the  smooth  implementation of the process  of  nation-
   building  in  your country.  Also, as  you  are  aware,
   Malaysia  participated  in  various  capacities   under
   UNTAET  (the United Nations Transitional Administration
   in Timor Leste).
   6.    We  recognise  that  current  economic  relations
   between  our  countries  are  unimpressive,  yet  there
   exists  potential for trade and investment between  our
   countries.    We   must  endeavour  to  develop   these
   potentials.  I have been made to understand that  there
   are  already  90 Malaysian businessmen in  Timor  Leste
   involved  in  various  economic  activities   such   as
   consulting  and accounting; hotel and restaurants;  and
   commerce and general trading.  I am confident that this
   level  of  relations can be further expanded.   On  our
   part,  Malaysia will continue to encourage its  private
   sector to go to Timor Leste and see for themselves  the
   opportunities available for the mutual benefit  of  our
   two  countries, among others in areas such as petroleum
   and   gas   exploration,  infrastructure   development,
   banking  and insurance and agriculture.  It is also  my
   hope  that  Timor  Leste  would facilitate  and  assist
   Malaysian entrepreneurs in their endeavours.
   7.   From our own experience with independence in 1957,
   we  recognise  the importance of fully  developing  our
   economy  and  ensuring  that the  country's  wealth  is
   equitably distributed.  We have since then embarked  on
   various development programmes through our New Economic
   Policy,  and presently our National Development Policy.
   We  have  aimed  at  transforming our  economy  from  a
   commodity-based  agricultural economy to  a  resilient,
   modern   and  diversified  economy.   With  the   right
   policies and right support, I believe that your country
   can  develop  and prosper.  I believe you can  tap  the
   energy of your new struggle for development.
   8.    As  a  part of Southeast Asia, your country  will
   play  an  important  role  in  ensuring  the  continued
   development,  peace and stability of this  region.   As
   developing  countries, we in this  region  must  foster
   close  cooperation  to  collectively  ensure  that  our
   interest  are taken into account.  We hope to see  your
   country play an active role in this region - a role  of
   maintaining  peace;  of creating economic  partnerships
   between countries; and of increasing our cross-national
   and  cross-cultural understanding.  This engagement  in
   the region is possible and necessary.
   9.    Malaysia  welcomes  the  intention  of  President
   Gusmao  to make a visit to Malaysia and we look forward
   to  receiving him in the near future.  I  too  plan  to
   visit  your country at the end of this year. It  is  my
   belief that through such exchanges, we will be able  to
   create  better understanding and awareness between  our
   two  countries as well as to realise the full potential
   of our relationship.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


