Tarikh/Date	:	06/10/2002
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM 

   "Renewing Asia's Foundations of Growth :
   Building on Diversity"
        It  is both a pleasure and an honour for me to  be
   with   you   this   evening  for  this   gathering   of
   distinguished  delegates,  speakers  and  captains   of
   industry  who have come from Asia and also from  across
   the  globe.   I would like to thank the organisers  for
   this   opportunity  to  speak  to  this   distinguished
   2.   World War II and the Pacific War were economically
   speaking disastrous for everyone.  At the end both  the
   victors    and    vanquished   were   devastated    and
   impoverished, although for the victors the  damage  was
   slightly less.
   3.    Mindful of the negative results of punishing  the
   defeated  by  forcing  them  to  pay  reparations,  the
   victorious  U.S. and its allies set out to  resuscitate
   the  world's  economy  including those  of  their  late
   enemies.   While those who were allied to  the  victors
   were  positively helped through the Marshall Plan,  the
   principal enemies were indirectly helped to recover and
   to  rebuild.   Japan in particular gained  tremendously
   from  the  lessons  they got from the  former  American
   enemies  on  the need and the benefits  of  quality  in
   their goods.
   4.    Whether it was because of the necessity to ensure
   the  former enemies did not join the Communist bloc  or
   it  was  due to the understanding of strategy  or  just
   pure  good  naturedness, the fact is that  the  victors
   allowed  and  even  helped  the  defeated  enemies   to
   recover.  And recover they did.
   5.    The  world  was to be reshaped  and  governed  by
   international law with the United Nations  providing  a
   forum for one and all to play a role in creating a just
   and   peaceful  world.   While  the  Soviet  Union  was
   reassured through its power of veto, it was also to  be
   curbed  by the veto power of the four other big powers.
   The  United States would be the nation to oversee  that
   justice and fair play was enjoyed by all.
   6.    Trade  needed  a  proper International  Financial
   System.   At Bretton Woods the international  community
   decided  on pegging currencies to gold so as to  ensure
   the values of currencies are properly backed.
   7.    It  was a caring world anxious to rebuild  a  new
   world  from the ashes of war.  Colonies were freed  one
   by  one  and  allowed to rule themselves any  way  they
   8.    It  was in this atmosphere that the countries  of
   the  world recovered, became prosperous mainly  through
   the  production  of goods and services and  commodities
   traded  across the world and within each country.   The
   countries were left very much to themselves to work out
   the  political and economic systems which they believed
   would help them to recover and prosper.
   9.   There were failures of course but by and large the
   countries  of the world were able to rebuild themselves
   and  to grow economically.  World trade grew.  The  old
   manufacturing giants regained strength and grew,  while
   new  giants  appeared on the scene, notably in  Germany
   and Japan.
   10.   The Japanese in particular adopted a strategy  of
   increasing  market  share through low  margins.    They
   succeeded  in  penetrating and  even  dominating  world
   markets  in  some  businesses and  products.   But  the
   Western countries were not too badly hurt for they with
   their  inventiveness and ingenuity were also recovering
   and prospering.
   11.   The poor in the poor countries also benefited  as
   the  low  prices of Japanese products enabled  them  to
   afford household appliances, small cars and trucks.
   12.  Seeing the Japanese doing so well the countries of
   East  Asia  also  made their bid.  They  too  went  for
   export  driven growth, producing quality goods  at  low
   prices  and  generally reducing the cost of living  not
   only in the poor countries but in the rich countries as
   13.   By  the  1960s,  the whole world  seemed  set  to
   prosper.   The  outlook  seemed even  better  when  the
   Communist system collapsed and the Cold War ended.  Now
   everyone  could focus on economic growth without  being
   bothered by ideologies and blocs.
   14.   But  unfortunately it seems that some  among  the
   victorious  capitalists saw little need to  curb  their
   avarice  any more.  They felt that the world no  longer
   has the option to defect to the other side.   There was
   no  more  other  side.  The winning side  was  free  to
   exploit the world without restraint.
   15.   Making money through the production of goods  and
   services and trading in them was rather slow.  This way
   would  take  many years, the profits rather small,  and
   off  and on there would be failures and losses.  Surely
   there  were other ways of making money quickly.   Greed
   was  not  a  bad thing.  Indeed at least  one  of  them
   believed that greed was great and gave lectures on  the
   greatness of greed.
   16.   And  so  in  the 1970s, pressure was  applied  on
   countries  to  go off the Gold Standard and  the  fixed
   exchange rate.  Henceforth the market i.e. the currency
   traders  would  determine  the  rate  of  exchange   of
   currencies.   It  was  not  too  bad  at  first.    The
   fluctuation was not too wide and businesses could  live
   with  them.  A new business developed to help  business
   deal with the uncertainties of the exchange rate.   For
   a  fee,  the businesses could hedge.  It increased  the
   cost  of  doing business but the market could take  it.
   The  hedge funds made money on their currency insurance
   17.   Meanwhile  the production of goods  and  services
   continued.   Some  failed.  And along  came  the  early
   saviors  of failed businesses.  They simply bought  the
   businesses, stripped them of their assets and left  the
   minority  shareholders gasping.   The  asset  strippers
   made a fortune before the authorities stepped in.
   18.  Then came the junk bond peddlars.  Failed or never-
   do-well  companies  had  their shares  bought  and  the
   prices  pushed  up.  Some great names appeared  on  the
   scene,  dealing in junk bonds and ripping huge profits.
   Again  the  authorities stepped  in  and  some  notable
   traders ended in the chill.
   19.   But the itch to make quick profits gave birth  to
   new  ideas.  Short-selling shares was one of them.   It
   was   speculation   at  first  but   when   it   became
   manipulation  some countries disallowed short  selling.
   Even  ordinary share trading was regulated  to  prevent
   insider trading and the collapse of stock markets or of
   20.   By  then the interest had moved almost completely
   away  from  the  performance  of  business,  i.e.   the
   profits, the assets and the potentials.  The only thing
   that  mattered was share appreciation or capital gains.
   The  companies can be quite useless but it is  possible
   even  for failed businesses to have their shares pushed
   up  and capital gains made.   Then the shares would  be
   dumped and the funds moved elsewhere.
   21.   I  need not go into how the funds pushed up share
   prices  or  depressed  them, or  how  CEOs  with  share
   options helped them.  I am not a businessman.  I  don't
   play the market.  But the fact is that the market Index
   has  become  more  important than  the  Company  Annual
   Report including the accounts.  The Stock Market  Index
   determines whether the people in the world feel good or
   not, whether they buy things or they don't, they take a
   holiday  or not.  The production and sale of goods  and
   services  had become irrelevant.  The main business  of
   the world is the selling and buying of shares.
   22.   There was a time when traders tried to monopolise
   the  trade in commodities.  It made money for some  but
   it  was costly and it was dangerous.  The quantities to
   be  cornered  was too big.  This game did not  progress
   very far.
   23.   Then someone thought of the idea of cornering the
   currency  market.  It was costly but  hedge  funds  had
   made  arrangements to have huge sums at their  disposal
   and  even  more  that  they  could  leverage  from  the
   friendly  banks.   And  so began  the  rampage  of  the
   currency traders.  Any country was fair game, but  most
   of  all the newly emerging economies, rich enough to be
   fleeced but not powerful enough to fight back.
   24.   I  need not bore you with what they did  and  how
   they  precipitated  the  Asian Financial  Crisis  which
   became in effect the world financial crisis.  Countries
   which   were   doing   well,  suddenly   became   poor,
   destabilised and intractably problematic.  Some  barely
   managed  to  survive and recover but some went  through
   repeated  crises,  sinking more and  more  deeply  each
   time.  Perfectly good countries with enormous resources
   can be truly and really bankrupted.
   25.   All the while these countries were condemned  for
   their  incompetence, their corruption,  their  cronyism
   etc.  The currency traders who sold down the currencies
   of  these  countries  were never blamed.   Indeed  they
   became  great philantrophists. No one bothered to  look
   at  the damage they caused, the poverty, the starvation
   and  deaths they left in their wake while making  their
   money.   Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to  the
   poor.   These  hoods stole from the  poor  and  gave  a
   minute portion of the ill-gotten gains in order  to  be
   known as philantrophists.
   26.    Look  at  the  world  today.   It  is  not   the
   prosperous,  growing  world  of  the  post-war   years,
   especially  of the sixties to the eighties.   It  is  a
   world  of economic malaise.  Even before September  11,
   the   downturn  was  already  evident.   The  dot   com
   companies precipitated this.  One could say that it  is
   part  of  the usual economic cycle.  Is it really  true
   that  the boom and bust cycle is inevitable?  Isn't  it
   possible that the world's economy is being mismanaged?
   27.   The  fact  is  that  we are  not  doing  business
   anymore,  real business that is.  We are not  producing
   goods  and  providing  services.   Yes,  we  are  still
   inventing and developing and marketing new products and
   also  improved version of the old products.   But  such
   business activities have become secondary.
   28.   What  the world is interested in today  is  quick
   money,   money   that   comes  from   speculation   and
   manipulation; overnight money.  The greedy  have  taken
   over the economy of the world.  They can only see quick
   profits  for themselves regardless of what  happens  to
   national and international economies, regardless of the
   pain and suffering of people, regardless of the turmoil
   and collapse of nations.
   29.   For  the  greedy  speculators  what  matters   is
   immediate  returns, huge profits.  Selling  goods  take
   too  long.   But selling shares and selling  currencies
   promise huge instant profits.  Overnight a billion  can
   be made through the various forms of short selling.  No
   real money is needed.  No real transactions need to  be
   made.   The  deals  are  made on  the  computer.   They
   involve  mere  figures of fictitious  commodities  i.e.
   shares and currency that they claim they have for sale.
   The buyers buy the figures on the screen.  Huge amounts
   change hands.  Suddenly, in an instant in fact, someone
   becomes  hugely rich, making millions and even billions
   for  themselves  largely, and  also  for  their  greedy
   clients.    What happens to ordinary investors  in  the
   companies matters not at all.  They can become suddenly
   rich or they may become impoverished and bankrupt.  The
   companies  and even the countries can become  bankrupt.
   That  is  their fault.  They are not open enough;  they
   are  guilty  of  corruption, of crony  capitalism  etc.
   Their Governments are to be blamed for not letting  the
   market to manage their economy and their wealth.
   30.   No  new companies are being started in  order  to
   produce  goods  and  supply  services.   Companies  are
   simply  taken  over, through mergers and  acquisitions.
   Huge  sums  are paid.  Where does the money come  from?
   There are banks of course but there are clever ways  of
   doing  this  without resorting to bank loans  or  money
   31.   And so overnight huge new corporations appear  on
   the   world   scene.   They  are  powerful,   extremely
   powerful.   Their strategy is simple.   Become  so  big
   that  no  one else can compete.  The small must  either
   allow  themselves  to be swallowed  or  suffer  failure
   very quickly.
   32.  The big corporations are great.  They are supposed
   to  be  more efficient, to bring costs down and quality
   up.   But  are they?  We see a number of them cheating.
   They  cook their books, and the auditors help them with
   attractive figures.  And of course they pay their cooks
   well,  giving them huge salaries with private jets  and
   yachts, and share options.
   33.   Sometimes,  and  sometimes only  the  cooking  is
   discovered.   Then their cronies in the government  who
   may  also  have invested in them would bail  them  out.
   When  this cannot be done, the law seems to be applied.
   But  the law is an ass and asses do not move fast.  And
   so  many continue to enjoy the good life.  The rest  of
   the  world  can  suffer.  The rest  of  the  world  can
   decline   economically,  experience  turmoil  and   the
   collapse  of  whole  governments  and  an  increase  in
   poverty even among the well-endowed.
   34.   I  know  this  sounds  like  the  ranting  of   a
   frustrated politician whose knowledge of finance can be
   written  on the back of a postage stamp.  But  I  would
   challenge  anyone to say that it is real business,  the
   business of making and selling things that has  brought
   the  world's  economy into this dire state.  I  may  be
   wrong in places but I am not completely wrong.
   35.  If the Asian economy is to be revived, Asians must
   look  beyond  their continent.  They  must  help  bring
   about  a  return to sanity.  They must do so by ganging
   up  against  the  greedy who are  already  shaping  the
   world's  economy  and finance through the  World  Trade
   36.    We   need   to  relook  very  closely   at   the
   interpretation  of globalisation, the  proposed  regime
   for  World Trade and Finance.  What is being cooked  up
   is  a  recipe for the exploitation of the world by  the
   few and the greedy.  They will destroy the world for  a
   few billion dollars in their pockets.
   37.   We should resuscitate real business, the business
   of  producing  things,  of  providing  service.   Money
   should  be  invested  in this and  not  in  buying  and
   selling shares alone or in speculation and manipulation
   of currencies.
   38.   The IT business held great promise.  The Dot. Com
   companies    accordingly   sprouted   like   mushrooms.
   Unfortunately there was more stress on selling off  the
   business  to  gullible investors at phenomenal  prices.
   There were some potentials in the business of the  dot.
   coms  but  only if the value was commensurate with  the
   potential  products.  But no one  cared  for  the  true
   value   of   the  products.   Through  deliberate   and
   intemperate hypes the companies were sold in the market
   at  fantastic  prices.   Then when  real  business  was
   tried, the returns did not  justify the prices paid for
   the companies.
   39.   Once that was realised, panic did the rest.   All
   the  dot. com companies collapsed, leaving the gullible
   investors  high and dry.  Again the dot.  com  business
   was  not business.  It was share value all over  again,
   totally unrelated to assets value or potential profits.
   Now  people  are  wiser.  Setting up dot.  coms  is  no
   longer  as  attractive as it was before.  It  is  hoped
   that they will now do real business.
   40.  The world is changing.  There can be no doubt that
   jet  speed  and  instant sound and image  communication
   require changes in the perception of things and in  the
   way business is done.  The question is are we doing the
   right  things in the changed world that we  are  living
   in.  We don't seem to be handling things well.  Some of
   us  are  convinced that we are but the results  so  far
   have been dismal.  The healthy world economy of the 60s-
   80s  have  all but disappeared to be replaced  by  ill-
   health that is intractable.  And we are still unable to
   reverse the trend.
   41.   Even in the handling of modern terrorism  we  are
   not  doing well.  Today a year after Sept. 11 2001, the
   situation is really worse than immediately after.   Not
   only do people fear flying and traveling, but traveling
   is  being  made deliberately more difficult by security
   checks.   The cost of doing this is draining  even  the
   richest  treasuries.  And invariably this fear and  the
   subsequent  reactions are affecting  economies,  making
   the already regressing world economy to shrink further.
   42.  We don't seem to be doing the right things.  If  I
   may say so the world has lost its way.  The Malays, not
   the  greatest  business people in  the  world,  have  a
   saying,  "when you lose your way go back to  where  you
   started."   Others call this going back to square  one,
   back to the drawing board.
   43.   We need to go back to the status quo ante, to the
   good  years of the world's growth, to the 60s, 70s  and
   80s.   We must not be afraid to admit that we have gone
   wrong  and  go back to doing real business.   Stop  the
   quick profits of assets stripping, of short selling, of
   speculation   and   manipulation  of   currencies,   of
   monopolising world business, of the efficacy  of  size.
   If we cannot stop them completely, regulate them.
   44.  Forget the idea that markets should self-regulate,
   should  discipline governments.  Governments  have  not
   become  anachronistic.  They are still relevant.   They
   have  a  good  incentive  to  do  the  right  thing  by
   everyone,  including  the  very  poor,  simply  because
   democratic  or  authoritarian they know  they  will  be
   thrown out if they don't care for the people's welfare.
   The  market  is about making profits, not about  caring
   for   the  people  and  the  country,  not  even  about
   45.  Do business, real business.  Stop the gambling  on
   the  share  market and the currency  market.   Use  the
   stock  exchange  as  a place for raising  capital,  not
   making quick profits.  Stop preaching to others.   Stop
   examining  the  shoes of hundreds of millions  for  the
   hundred  or  so  terrorists but look  instead  for  the
   causes  which  move  people, normal family  people,  to
   blast  themselves  to smithereens, and   eliminate  the
   46.   Asians must lend a hand.  Asians must make  their
   voices  heard  in the fight to return to  sanity.   Not
   everything that comes out of the West is ideal and God-
   given truth.  How many times have their ideologies  and
   their  systems  failed?   How  many  times  have   they
   rejected their own ideologies and formulas in order  to
   replace  them  with yet another perfect and  infallible
   formulas?   The  replacements  will  fail  again.   The
   present  theory  and  interpretation  of  globalisation
   will,  in  time,  go the way of all the ideologies  and
   systems which they now discredit.
   47.   Asians must formulate their own solution to  suit
   their particular situations.  Asians must be pragmatic;
   willing  to ignore ideological principles in favour  of
   results.   The  Asian civilisation has survived  longer
   than  other civilisations.  We must be brave enough  to
   go  our own way.  If they follow, fine.  If not that is
   fine too.
   48.   I  have been asked to talk about "Renewing Asia's
   Foundations  of  growth:  Building  on  Diversity".   I
   think I have done just that,  I hope and pray that  you
   will think so too.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


