Tempat/Venue	:	ISLAMABAD
Tarikh/Date	:	18/10/2002
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM 

       On behalf of myself and members of my delegation, I
   would  like  to express my deepest appreciation  for  the
   very  warm  welcome  and generous  hospitality   accorded
   to  us  since our arrival in Islamabad.  I am also  happy
   to  have  had  the  opportunity of  discussing  with  you
   various  bilateral, regional and international issues  of
   mutual  interest.   Since  Your  Excellency's  visit   to
   Malaysia  in  March  2000,  I  am  convinced  that   such
   continuous  exchanges would be beneficial in our  efforts
   to  create  not only greater awareness but  also  towards
   promoting closer relations and cooperation.
   2.    Malaysia  is committed to improving its  ties  with
   Pakistan.   Given  the  many  cultural  similarities  and
   historical commonalities, I am confident that we should be
   able  to  take  the opportunity to widen and  deepen  our
   collaborations  in many fields.  Bilateral  trade,  which
   currently amounts to approximately USD 450 million a year
   could  also be enhanced further through an expansion  and
   diversification of our trading basket.  Today, Malaysia's
   exports  to  Pakistan is mainly palm  oil  while  imports
   comprise  rice, cotton, wheat, fresh fruits  and  leather
   products.  We are aware that trade balance has consistently
   been in our favour.  In this regard, Malaysia would be more
   than  pleased to work together with Pakistan  to  promote
   Pakistani  products in Malaysia through trade  fairs  and
   exhibitions to help address the trade imbalance.
   3.    In  other  areas,  Malaysia  remains  committed  to
   extending  technical cooperation to  Pakistan  under  the
   Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme.  At  the  same
   time  we  are appreciative of the opportunities  provided
   by  Pakistan  for Malaysians to undergo various  training
   programme   under   the  Pakistan  Technical   Assistance
   Programme.   Malaysia  also follows  with  keen  interest
   developments  in  Pakistan.  With Pakistan's  experiences
   in  the  field  of  information and computer  technology,
   scientific  research  and  development,  I  believe  that
   there is potential for Malaysians and Pakistanis to  work
   together   in  the  field  of  information  and  computer
   technology  and scientific research.  In this  regard,  I
   am   convinced  that  the  signing  of  a  Memorandum  of
   Understanding    between   the    Malaysian    Multimedia
   Development Corporation and the Pakistan Software  Export
   Board  this  evening will pave the way  for  an  enhanced
   collaboration between our two sides.
   4.    We  are  glad  to  see that Pakistan  is  gradually
   emerging   toward   better  economic   development.    We
   recognise  that  political  stability  and  security  are
   fundamental  prerequisites for  investment  and  economic
   growth.   The  positive trend in industrial field,  trade
   and  good governance will restore confidence for  foreign
   investors  to  come  to Pakistan.   Some  Malaysians  are
   already  here.  Today we witnessed the launching  of  the
   power  plant  by  Tenaga Nasional  Bhd  (TNB).   We  hope
   others  will  come and make their own evaluation  on  the
   opportunities available here.
   5.    At  the  international level Malaysia and  Pakistan
   share  many  common  positions.  Both countries  need  to
   cooperate  to  face the challenges of globalisation.   As
   such  it  is  imperative  for us to  collaborate  in  our
   efforts to call for a just and equitable world order.
   6.     We   are   committed  to  the  global  effort   in
   eradicating  terrorism  and  religious  fanaticism.    We
   believe  that  the  root  causes  of  terrorism  such  as
   oppression,  injustice and poverty must be addressed  and
   removed.   Combating  the menace  of  terrorism  requires
   global   efforts.   Unilateral  action  by  any   country
   against   any  country  under  the  pretext  of  checking
   terrorism  will not solve the problem.  On  the  contrary
   it  could  provoke and fuel anger.  It is also  wrong  to
   identify  terrorism  with Islam or a particular  race  or
   nationality.  Malaysia pledges to cooperate in  combating
   this   threat   to   global  peace,  security,   economic
   development   and  political  stability  based   on   the
   principles  of  the  UN   Charter  and  basic  norms   of
   international law.
   7.    The  situation  in  the Middle  East  is  thus  not
   comforting  in  our resolve to seek a just  and  peaceful
   world.    The  aggression  by  the  Israelis  and   their
   persistent  violation of human rights  and  international
   laws  must be strongly condemned by all.  A lasting peace
   is  only  possible  if  the Israeli authorities  withdraw
   completely from the land occupied since 1967.
   8.    Let  me  once again extend our sincere appreciation
   to  you, Mr. President, Madam Sehba and the Government of
   Pakistan  for  the  warm reception and  kind  hospitality
   that have been accorded to us.  We pray to Allah for  the
   continued  well-being, peace, progress and  stability  of
   Pakistan and the brotherly people of Pakistan.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


