Tarikh/Date	:	23/10/2002
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM 

  I  would like to thank the organisers for inviting me  to
   speak  at this seminar on the Gold Dinar in Multi-Lateral
   Trade.  I hope I can help to make clear the idea and  the
   concept of the Gold Dinar.
   2.    For  some time now the Muslims and their  countries
   have  become  synonymous with backwardness, authoritarian
   and  frequently  unstable  Governments  and  lately  with
   terrorists  and terrorism.  Yet Islamic states  were  not
   like  that before, nor were Muslims involved in  acts  of
   terror.    In  fact  Muslim  countries  were  where   the
   persecuted  of  Europe, in particular  the  Jews,  sought
   refuge.   The  pogroms  and  the  inquisition  in  Europe
   forced  the  Jews to migrate to the Muslim  countries  in
   North  Africa.  Yet before that when Muslims ruled Spain,
   the  Jews,  the Christians and the Muslims were  able  to
   live together in peace.
   3.    If  today  there is so much animosity between  Jews
   and  Muslims  it is not because of religious differences.
   The  fact  is  that the Europeans who in the  past  never
   liked  the  Jews and massacred them every now  and  then,
   wanted  to  get  rid  of  the Jews.   Together  with  the
   Zionists they took Arab land in Palestine and gave it  to
   the  Jews for the setting up of the state of Israel.   In
   the  process  the  Palestinian Arabs were  expelled  from
   their  homes  and their land and ever since these  people
   have  been  living in makeshift refugee camps in  Lebanon
   and Jordan.
   4.    When  the  Arabs attacked Israel in a  conventional
   war,  they were not only defeated but more of their  land
   was  seized  by Israel.  The Israelis were  able  to  win
   because  they were strongly supported by Europe and  then
   America.   Every time the Arabs fought to get back  their
   land, they actually lost more land.
   5.    The  conflict  is therefore about land,  not  about
   religion  as  it is made out to be.  If the  Palestinians
   indulge  in  acts  of  terror  today,  if  other  Muslims
   indulge  in  acts  of terror, it is because  conventional
   war  has  become impossible for them.  We do not  condone
   acts  of  terror  by  anyone.   Suicide  bombing  against
   civilians must be considered as acts of terror.   So  are
   the  killings  of Palestinian children and  civilians  by
   the  Israeli armed forces -- all are acts of terror.  And
   the  Israeli army is no less a terrorist organisation now
   as  is  Hamas,  as  was the previous  Jewish  Irgun  Zvai
   Leumi,  the  Stern  Gang and others,  all  are  terrorist
   6.    The  events  of  September 11  2001,  have  however
   focused  the world's eyes on Muslim terrorists  and  this
   has  lead  to  a  very distorted view of  Islam  and  the
   Muslims.   This view has affected Muslims in  all  areas.
   They are being discriminated against everywhere.
   7.    This unfortunate repercussion of September  11  has
   resulted  in  the whole world's economy being  unable  to
   grow.   And  now, as a direct consequence  we  are  being
   threatened by a war against Iraq, a Muslim country and  a
   major  oil  producer.  Without doubt this will  make  the
   economies   of  the  world  even  less  able   to   grow,
   especially those of Muslim states.
   8.    The  West and in particular the Americans are  very
   angry.   So  are  the Muslims.  Angry people  cannot  act
   rationally.  But if we want to solve the problem we  have
   to  strive  to be rational, to remain calm  and  not  let
   emotions control us.
   9.    At  the  moment  most  Muslims  are  only  bent  on
   revenge.   They are hitting back because of anger.   They
   do  not  seem  to  care  whether  they  achieve  ultimate
   success  or  not.  Every time they hit,  the  other  side
   would hit back.  And every time the other side hits  back
   they would retaliate in kind.
   10.   The  question is how long will we go on like  this.
   The  Palestinians  have been fighting  for  the  past  50
   years.  Their position has not improved.  In fact it  has
   become  worse.   In  fact  the position  of  the  Muslims
   worldwide  has  become worse.  And if what  is  happening
   now  is  any indication it would continue to  be  so  for
   decades.   The Muslims of this world, all 1.3 billion  of
   them, will continue to be oppressed and humiliated.
   11.   There are of course some of us who believe that  it
   is  the fate of the Muslims to be oppressed in this world
   because  in the akhirat we would be in heaven.   If  this
   is  the  fate of the Muslims, why did the Prophet  strive
   to  save the Muslims from the oppression of the Khuraish?
   Why  did he and his followers migrate to Madinah; why did
   he  unite  the Ansars and the Muhajirin and  gather  them
   into  a strong force in order to repel the enemy?  Indeed
   the  Al-Quran enjoins the Muslims to equip themselves for
   their  defence, to educate themselves, to achieve success
   in  life  even as they must seek merit for the hereafter,
   so   they  may  impress  the  Jahilliah  and  spread  the
   teachings  of  Islam.   In  a matter  of  100  years  the
   Muslims  had  created a powerful Muslim  world  extending
   from Spain in the West to China in the East.
   12.   Did  the Prophet preach to his followers that  they
   should  suffer in silence because for them there will  be
   heaven  in the next world?  In fact he prepared  them  to
   defend  Islam  with  their wealth  and  their  lives,  to
   defeat  the  enemy.   He  did not advocate  just  seeking
   revenge  upon  the  enemy in anger  through  attacks  and
   13.    It  is  clear  that  we  Muslims  are  openly  and
   blatantly  ignoring the clear teachings of  our  religion
   in  favour  of  quarrelling over contentious  issues  and
   interpretations  while  ignoring the  oppression  by  the
   enemies  of  Islam,  while failing  to  prepare  for  the
   defence and safety of the ummah and Islam.
   14.   One of the clearest teachings of Islam is that  all
   Muslims are brothers and that no one should question  the
   religion  of  anyone as long as he takes  the  oath  that
   "there  is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet."
   The  split amongst the Muslims into hundreds of different
   sects  is due to the denial of the Islam of rival  groups
   in order to justify the fight against them.
   15.   All  who submit to "Allah and His Prophet" must  be
   considered  as  Muslims  and must  be  brothers  of  each
   other.  Race and nations and borders should not stand  in
   the  way  of  Muslim  unity  nor  should  ideologies  and
   political  parties.   There is only one  Islam  that  was
   brought by the Prophet.  The breakup of the Muslims  into
   sects  and  groups all occurred after the  death  of  the
   Prophet.   It  follows  that  the  differences   in   the
   interpretations of Islam, differences which lead  to  the
   many  splits and the formation of splinter groups,  which
   are   opposed   to  each  other,  is  due  to   different
   interpretations of the teachings of Islam.   But  we  all
   subscribe to the basics and it is a basic creed of  Islam
   that  all  Muslims are brothers.  If we  can  forget  our
   differences  in the interpretations of Islam,  if  we  go
   back  to  the  basics  which we all  accept  then  it  is
   possible  for  us  to  unite.  Certainly  now,  when  the
   Muslim  ummah  everywhere  is threatened  and  oppressed,
   when  our holy places are being desecrated, when  we  are
   so  weak  and  poor, particularly poor in  knowledge  and
   skills  in this age of technology, certainly now we  must
   forget our differences and unite.
   16.  However, our unity should not be for the purpose  of
   futile  attacks on the enemy.  We should unite  in  order
   to  build  up our capacity and our strength.   Simply  by
   being   united  and  strong,  we  would  be  freed   from
   oppression.   It  will take time but Allah  has  enjoined
   upon us to be patient.
   17.   "Innallah hamaassabirin".  The Prophet was patient;
   He   did  not  seek  revenge  for  the  humiliation   and
   oppression he was subjected to.  He retreated to a  safer
   place  in order to build up his strength.  And he created
   sufficient  wealth  among his followers  to  support  his
   struggle to return to Makkah.
   18.   We  have  to  do the same.  The Muhajirin  and  the
   Ansars  among us must unite, must build up our capacities
   in  terms  of wealth and technology, in terms  of  stable
   Islamic  communities,  in  terms  of  following  all  the
   undisputed  injunctions of Islam.
   19.   Pure materialism is abhorred by Islam but there  is
   no  injunction  against  the  legitimate  acquisition  of
   wealth.   Tithe  must be paid on our wealth  but  we  are
   also  enjoined to be charitable.  We know that the  third
   Caliph,   Saidina  Othman,  was  wealthy.    During   the
   campaigns  by  the  Prophet he donated camels  and  other
   supplies for the defence of the Muslims.
   20.   If the Muslims are going to protect themselves they
   must  have sufficient wealth.    Allah has endowed Muslim
   countries  with inexhaustible wealth.  These need  to  be
   administered for the good of the ummah.
   21.   But  wealth can also be acquired through commercial
   activities,  through the production and  distribution  of
   goods and services and through trade.
   22.   Today trade between Muslim countries is small.   It
   is  not suggested that we reduce our trade with the  non-
   Muslims.   But we should endeavour to increase the  trade
   between Muslim countries.
   23.   We can trade through the exchange of goods, through
   barter.  But today we use money.  Since we don't  have  a
   currency  which  is strong enough and  stable  enough  in
   exchange rate terms, we have to use the American  dollar.
   But  the dollar is also not stable.  Today the dollar has
   depreciated  against many other currencies.   This  means
   that  despite  the  increase in  the  price  of  oil  for
   example,  we  are  actually  earning  less  due  to   the
   devaluation  of  the dollar.  It is  the  same  with  the
   other   currencies.   It  is  the  same  with   our   own
   currencies.  They all fluctuate in value.  And  they  are
   all  subject to speculation and manipulation as  happened
   in  Malaysia  and other East Asian countries,  in  Russia
   and in Latin America.
   24.   The reason for this is that paper currency  has  no
   intrinsic  value.  You can print any figure you  like  on
   currency  notes  but in exchange rate  terms  the  figure
   means  nothing. The Malaysian Ringgit is 3.8 to one  U.S.
   Dollar.   The  Turkish Lira is 1.5 million  to  one  U.S.
   Dollar.   The  Indonesian Rupiah  is  9000  to  one  U.S.
   Dollar.   The  purchasing power  within  the  country  is
   different from the purchasing power outside the  country.
   Sometimes  countries have as many as four exchange  rates
   --  one  official,  one  for domestic  economy,  one  for
   export and one for import.
   25.   Clearly  this  situation in terms of  international
   finance  is  chaotic and anarchic.  But since the  system
   benefits  the  powerful countries they are  unwilling  to
   correct it.
   26.   If  we  want to avoid being short-changed  we  must
   have  a  currency  that has intrinsic value.   Gold  does
   fluctuate  in price but the fluctuation is  minimal.   It
   is  not  possible to devalue gold by one hundred  percent
   or  one  thousand percent.  Nor is it possible to revalue
   gold  by  the  same percentage.  The fluctuation  in  the
   value  of  gold can only be by a few percentages,  up  or
   27.   When  the  Allied nations met in Bretton  Woods  to
   determine  the  principle for the  rate  of  exchange  of
   international  currencies in order to  facilitate  trade,
   they  decided  to use gold as a standard.  The  value  of
   the  U.S.  Dollar was fixed at one dollar for 1/35  ounce
   of  gold  or  35  U.S.  Dollars  per  ounce.   All  other
   currencies  were  valued in gold  through  the  rates  of
   exchange with the U.S. Dollar.
   28.   This worked quite well until some countries  wanted
   to   devalue   their  currencies  in  order   to   become
   competitive  in  the  international market.   Then  other
   countries  also  decided to devalue in  order  to  remain
   competitive.   Finally  the  U.S.  Dollar  was   devalued
   against the Gold.
   29.   At  this  stage  the  gold standard  could  not  be
   sustained.   The  market claimed that it could  determine
   the  exchange  rate  through the  demand  and  supply  of
   currencies  freely traded in the market.  But  profiteers
   moved   in  and  they  manipulated  the  value   of   the
   currencies  so that there was chaos in terms of  exchange
   rates  of  currencies.  Business became  very  difficult.
   Indeed   many  good  businesses went  bankrupt  when  the
   domestic  currency gets devalued.  The hedge Funds  which
   claim  to  insure the value of the currencies  made  huge
   sums of money speculating and manipulating the values  of
   the currencies.
   30.   This anarchy in the international financial  regime
   will  remain  because  it  benefits  the  rich  and   the
   powerful.   If  we  want  to protect  ourselves  we  must
   evolve our own payment system, our own trading currency.
   31.   The  Gold dinar can provide the currency for  trade
   between  nations.   If we value all trade  items  against
   gold,  then  we  will have no problem with  the  exchange
   rate.   We  know that in the last resort we can melt  the
   gold and sell it in the market.  You obviously cannot  do
   that  with paper currency, worst still with figures on  a
   computer.   They have no intrinsic market value  as  gold
   32.   But gold is bulky.  We cannot be carrying gold  all
   over  the  world  in order to pay for goods  we  want  to
   import.  But we need not do that.
   33.   It  is  not  intended to  use  the  gold  dinar  as
   currency   for  everyday  transactions  in  the  domestic
   market.   For  this we can use national  currencies.   If
   there  is  inflation then the currency can buy less  gold
   and  other  goods.   And  vice versa.   So  there  is  no
   necessity  to  carry bags of gold coins  for  transaction
   within the countries.
   34.   But  even for international trade the transport  of
   gold  bullions  or  gold  coins would  be  very  minimal.
   Through  bilateral payments arrangements the imports  can
   be  balanced  by the exports and the differences  settled
   in   gold  dinars.   The  Central  Bank  can  provide   a
   guarantee for the gold required for the payments  of  the
   balance.   In the following weeks or months the  deficits
   may  be reduced or a surplus achieved.  In that case  the
   payments  of  the balance can be made through  accounting
   arrangements  between  the Central  Banks.   It  is  only
   occasionally that a necessity might arise for the  actual
   gold  dinar  to  be  used  to pay  for  the  purchase  of
   35.   We  cannot  really verify the  amount  of  money  a
   country   has.   A  country's  own  currency  cannot   be
   regarded  as  its  reserve.   But  gold  dinars  or  gold
   bullion  or gold ingots can serve as a country's reserve.
   Still in the end we have to trust each other.  If we  are
   good  Muslims  then the cases of fraud by  Central  Banks
   would be minimal.
   36.   Assuming  that Malaysia exports  to  a  Dinar  Area
   country  a hundred million Dinars worth of motor vehicles
   and  then  imports 110 million dinars worth of oil,  then
   the  payment  required  by  Malaysia  would  be  just  10
   million  dinars.  The ten million dinars is  credited  to
   Malaysia's  trading partner.  If in the  following  month
   the  trading  partner buys 110 million  dinars  worth  of
   Malaysian  cars  and  Malaysia buys  100  million  dinars
   worth  of oil, then no payment need to be made by  either
   party.   The  10 million dinars that has to  be  paid  by
   Malaysia's trading partner for the motor vehicle  can  be
   offset  by  the  credit  of 10 million  dinars  from  the
   previous month's transactions.
   37.   Today with computers we can close account  and  pay
   more   frequently.   Through  this  method  it   is   not
   necessary to purchase or earn hard currency.
   38.   Of course there may be some countries which are  so
   poor  that they cannot have gold dinars.  We can buy some
   raw  materials to be paid in gold dinars.   They  can  be
   helped to build up the reserves of gold dinars.
   39.   There will be problems.  But if we begin with  just
   a  pair  of  countries  we  would  be  able  to  minimise
   problems  and demonstrate whether it works  or  not.   We
   will  be  able to identify the weaknesses and the  faults
   and correct them.
   40.   Gold is a precious metal.  There has never  been  a
   time  when there was no demand for gold.  It is also  not
   so  plentiful  that  its price will fall  the  way  paper
   currency or even other precious metals can fall.  Yet  it
   is  not  so limited in quantity that anyone or any trader
   can corner it and manipulate the price.
   41.   In  different  countries the  price  of  gold  will
   differ  in  terms of the currency of that country.   That
   is  a function of the currency of the country.  The value
   of  one  gold dinar is one gold dinar no matter what  the
   exchange  rate of a currency is against the  gold  dinar.
   If  the  value of goods or services is expressed in  gold
   dinar,  the  value  remains  the  same  no  matter  which
   country is involved in the trade.
   42.   Thus  an exporter can declare the agreed  price  in
   dinar  to  the  importer in another country  and  to  the
   Central  Bank in his country.  Depending on the agreement
   reached  the  Central  Bank will  pay  the  exporter  the
   current  local  currency equivalent  to  the  gold  dinar
   price.   At  the  importer's end, he  would  pay  to  his
   country's  Central Bank the local currency equivalent  of
   the  agreed  price in dinar.  At the end of the  week  or
   month  the Central Banks will total up the value in dinar
   of  the  exports  and  imports between  the  two  trading
   countries.   If  they are not balanced then  the  country
   with  a  surplus will have a credit account  against  the
   country  with a deficit.  The difference can be  paid  in
   dinar  or  in  goods or the country with the surplus  can
   hold  the  dinar for future purchase from the country  in
   43.   In multi-lateral trade, the process may be a little
   more  complicated  but  it  is entirely,  manageable.   A
   clearing  house  can  be set up for a  group  of  trading
   countries  and  the deficit and surpluses balanced.   The
   process  is  not  unlike the clearing of the  cheques  of
   numerous banks at a central clearing house.
   44.   Provided there are goods or services to be supplied
   by  all  participating  countries,  the  amount  of  gold
   dinars  that needs to be kept as reserve backing and  for
   payment in the last resort is very small.  Ideally  there
   would  be  no  need to transport and pay in dinars.   The
   imports  and  exports  in  most  instances  would  cancel
   themselves.   The  profits come  from  disposing  of  the
   goods  or  services domestically when the local  currency
   would be used.
   45.   There  will be problems of course.  But  there  are
   problems  now.   Countries with no "hard  currency"  i.e.
   U.S.  dollars  cannot pay for their imports  anyway.   In
   addition  the  U.S. currency is not as  stable  as  gold.
   Not  only  can it appreciate or depreciate widely  but  a
   country's  currency  can be made to  depreciate  so  much
   against  the U.S. Dollar that its imports cannot be  paid
   for,  priced as they are in U.S. Dollar.  The gold  dinar
   cannot depreciate much against the U.S. Dollar.
   46.   Gold  price  can  also be manipulated  but  not  as
   easily  as  U.S. Dollar or other currency.   No  one  can
   sell gold at below market price because he just will  not
   be  able  to  deliver when called upon to do so.   Short-
   selling will be very difficult if not impossible.
   47.   However  local currency prices of  gold  can  still
   fluctuate  if  left  to the market.   It  is  up  to  the
   country  concerned whether to control exchange  rates  or
   not.   But  speculation and manipulation will not  be  as
   easy  as  when local currency is valued against the  U.S.
   48.   It  must again be stressed that the Gold  Dinar  is
   exclusively  for international trade.  It is  not  to  be
   used  as local currency.  In a sense it is like the  U.S.
   Dollar  now.   Some  countries of  course  use  the  U.S.
   Dollar  locally  for  paying hotel bills  by  foreigners.
   But  the dinar is heavy and cumbersome to carry.   So  it
   cannot  be  used  as freely as the U.S.  Dollar  locally.
   This  again lends credibility to the dinar and the  local
   currency, which has to be used for local payment.
   49.   We  should  not be too ambitious as to  launch  the
   Gold  Dinar for multi-lateral trade at one go.  We should
   begin  by  pairing off the countries willing to  use  the
   Gold  Dinar.   A  pair of good trading countries  with  a
   fairly  well balanced trade should initiate  the  use  of
   the  Gold Dinar.  Problems that arise can be resolved and
   the  system improved.  After the bugs have been  got  rid
   off  then  the  trade  using the dinar  can  be  expanded
   gradually to involve more countries.
   50.   Traders  in particular will be happy because  their
   prices in Gold Dinar would not be affected by changes  in
   the  exchange  rates of the importing  countries  or  the
   exporting  countries.  In dinar, the prices  will  always
   remain the same.
   51.   It  is not the intention to make the dinar a common
   currency  for all countries.  It is not really  the  Gold
   Standard  with a fixed value against local currency.   If
   countries print more local currency there would still  be
   inflation within the country.  But trade would be  stable
   and  enhanced.  Speculators and manipulators will not  be
   able to undermine international trade.
   52.   Of course the Gold Dinar can be a trading currency,
   for  all  countries,  not necessarily  Muslim  countries.
   But  Muslim  countries  are  in  the  best  position   to
   demonstrate the viability of the system.  They are  in  a
   position to manage their economies rationally and in  the
   process  show the world that they are capable of  growing
   with  stability  and in peace.  And  this  will  do  more
   towards countering oppressions by their enemies than  the
   futile violent retaliations.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


