Tarikh/Date	:	10/12/2002
Versi 		:	ENGLISH

       I  would  like  to thank the world  Fellowship  of
   Buddhists for the opportunity to address this  esteemed
   gathering of world Buddhist leaders attending the  22nd
   General Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists
   and the 13th General Conference of the World Fellowship
   of  Buddhist Youth. I am made to understand that  these
   conferences   are  one  of  the  biggest  international
   Buddhist conferences ever to be held in Malaysia.
   2.    For  the past 50 years or so, after the  greatest
   world war humanity has ever experienced, there has been
   no  more  great wars.  But the world is far from  being
   peaceful.  There was the Cold War, the proxy wars,  the
   wars  for  national  liberation,  the  wars  to  regain
   expropriated  land,  the  wars against  oppression  and
   bushfire  wars.   And now we are witnessing  the  great
   world war against terrorism.
   3.    It would seem that despite the peace preached  by
   all  the  religions  of  the world,  humanity  has  not
   mastered  the skills and the capacity to live at  peace
   with  each  other.  When it suits us we  are  ready  to
   forget religious injunctions or at times to reinterpret
   religion in order to justify wars.
   4.    Yet we hear today more talks and exhortations for
   people, Governments especially, to respect human rights
   and uphold them, to allow for the freedom of choice  in
   the  election of Governments, for free speech and press
   freedom,  for  the abolition of the death penalty,  for
   workers  rights,  abolition of child labour  etc.   One
   would  think  that humanity has become truly  civilised
   even  if  they are less keen on religious and spiritual
   values.   Some even believe that they can be human  and
   humane  without  need  for religion.   They  know  what
   values  are  good and honourable without having  to  be
   told by religion about this.
   5.    But are people who downgrade religion, who  claim
   that  God  is  dead; are they really so  civilised  and
   sophisticated that they have no need for religion?  The
   turmoil  and injustice that we see today does not  seem
   to indicate that today's man needs no religion.
   6.    We  are today living in a world of fear.  We  are
   all  being threatened by modern terrorism.  We fear  to
   fly,  we  fear  visiting  certain  countries,  we  fear
   unexpected   and  unprecedented  attacks   within   our
   countries,  and  between  our countries,  and  we  find
   ourselves  unable  to put our economy  back  on  track.
   There is also the collapse of morality so that all  the
   things  proscribed by religions are  now  flouted  with
   impunity.  The institutions of marriage and family  are
   no  longer  respected.  Worse still these  institutions
   are  mocked  because  the law in some  countries,  very
   civilised countries, permits man to marry man and woman
   to  marry  woman and regard these couples as  families.
   Clothings are worn in order to expose the human body as
   much  as possible not to cover it.  In fact not wearing
   anything at all is a human right.  Children are  openly
   begotten  out  of  wedlock and  they  attend  the  mock
   marriage of their parents.
   7.    Truly there is a total collapse of morality.  The
   injunctions of religions, the codes of human  behaviour
   are  now totally rejected.  Men it is claimed know what
   is  good for them.  The most important creed is freedom
   of  the  individual to do his own thing, to do what  he
   likes  without  any consideration for the sensitivities
   and values of others, of the community.  Any attempt to
   curb this absolute individual freedom is considered  as
   abuse of human rights.
   8.    Yet  democracy must be upheld.  Democracy implies
   the upholding of the rights of the majority.  This must
   necessarily be negated if the norms of the majority can
   be totally disregarded by individuals.  One cannot help
   feeling that in this matter the world is very confused,
   insisting on the upholding of values which are  totally
   incompatible.  Yet woe betide those who try to practice
   the rights of the majority as implied by democracy.
   9.    Now  even the propagation of democracy itself  is
   undemocratic.  Democracy means free choice.  When there
   were  autocratic  rulers, the democrats  struggled  for
   free  choice,  i.e.  free  choice  of  the  systems  of
   Government  including choosing democracy.  But  now  no
   one is allowed to choose anything except democracy.  If
   democracy  is not chosen then the democrats will  apply
   sanctions, will take military action, including bombing
   and  killing  innocent civilians,  until  democracy  is
   forcibly  practiced.   Even when democracy  is  adopted
   there  is  no  let-up.   Accusations  of  failures   to
   practice  so-called true democracy  are  made  and  all
   sorts  of  pressures are applied in order to force  the
   adoption of more liberal ideas about democracy.
   10.   There  is  a parallel to this in the  history  of
   religion.  When some Romans adopted Christianity,  they
   were   persecuted  by  the  "heathen"  Roman  Emperors.
   Christians  were  regularly thrown into  the  arena  to
   fight   and  be  killed  by  ferocious  animals.    But
   eventually Christianity was adopted by the Romans.  And
   when  most  Europeans became Christians  they  were  as
   intolerant  of non-Christians or suspected heretics  as
   were  the  heathen Romans of the past.   Heretics  were
   tortured  and burnt at the stakes.  During the  Spanish
   Inquisition  the suspected heretics, the  new  converts
   from Judaism and Islam, were tried, tortured until they
   confess  to  the  correctness  of  the  charges,   then
   tortured  again for heresy and burnt at the stake.   In
   other forms we are still seeing this today.
   11.   The  situation  today is not  unlike  that  which
   prevailed when Christianity was being spread.  Not only
   must  we  adopt the new religion called democracy,  but
   also the worship of Mammon which has come together with
   it.    "Globalisation" is about making money.  All else
   is  not  important.  Nothing must stand in the  way  of
   making  as  much money as possible.  The borders  which
   insulate nations and obstruct the capitalists  must  be
   brought down in the name of one world.  Nations  should
   not  exist, nor should national Governments.   If  they
   exist, it is merely to enable the money worshippers  to
   get  at  the  money more easily.  The  Governments  are
   there  to  prevent any opposition to the  invasion  and
   predations  of  the  capitalists.  They  are  there  to
   uphold  the  rules that the capitalists have formulated
   to facilitate their making more money.
   12.   Why should there be small banks and companies  in
   any   country  when  international  giant   banks   and
   corporations  can provide better service and  products.
   The  word  international is indiscriminately  used  for
   entities which are owned and operated by  the rich, for
   the  rich.  The argument is that the poor will  benefit
   from the more efficient goods and services provided  by
   the giants through the vaunted economies of scale.   If
   the  small banks and businesses have to shut  down  and
   their  owners, managers and workers thrown out of work,
   that  is  a small sacrifice to make for better services
   and  goods.  But what happens to these people  who  are
   now  unemployed?  Well, they should be content with the
   unemployment   benefits paid by  the  Government.   But
   poor  countries have no unemployment benefits like  the
   rich  countries  have.  That is too bad.   They  really
   should   have.   It  is  their  fault  if  they  don't.
   Whatever, they must not stand in the way of progress in
   a  globalised  world.  One day they  will  realise  how
   globalisation has brought benefit to them.
   13.   There was a time when the world gaped and admired
   the  millionaires like Rockefeller, JP  Morgan,  Pierre
   Dupont  and others.  Today anyone can be a millionaire.
   They  are dime a dozen.  We talk now about billionaires
   and  we  are looking forward to the first trillionaire.
   We  must  not  just  admire these people  but  we  must
   worship them.  For they are the greatest worshippers of
   Mammon, the only true religion.  They won't call  it  a
   religion  of course.  That is old-fashioned.  But  what
   is  religion?  Religion in the broadest sense is belief
   in  the  almighty.  For the worshippers of Mammon,  the
   almighty  is  wealth as represented by  the  amount  of
   money  possessed  by the followers.   The  greater  the
   amount, the greater the degree of faith.
   14.   The  ancient  religions place  more  emphasis  on
   spiritual  values.   Indeed while  they  do  not  decry
   wealth,  they  do  not  regard  wealth  as  the  deity.
   Spiritual well-being, peace with oneself and  with  the
   world  is  what  the  old  religions  promote.   Wealth
   acquired  should  be  given  away  to  help  the   less
   fortunate,  the poor, the deformed and the  sick.   The
   satisfaction of the spirit comes from the good  feeling
   after doing good, after helping fellow men.
   15.  But what need is there for a billion dollars to  a
   man.   He  cannot  eat  or  drink  or  have  houses  or
   entertain himself more than a normal person  can.   But
   he feels a need for the money to make more money and to
   make  even more money.  If he has to destroy the  lives
   of millions of people in order to do this, he will.  It
   is  just  too  bad.   He will give away  something  for
   charity and have his name emblazoned on the front  page
   of  magazines  and journals as a great  philanthropist.
   But giving away a few billions will not make up for the
   misery  of  millions brought about  by  his  greed  for
   16.    Religion  has  been  assailed  ever  since   man
   discovered  science.  Through science Man  believes  he
   has discovered the origins of everything to be found in
   this  world.   He  has  no more need  for  obscurantist
   religious explanations.  He knows why there is life  in
   this  world, how it is propagated, how the species  are
   developed  and improved.  He knows how oxygen  breathes
   life  into living things and lack of oxygen kills.   He
   knows  all the elements which produce all the compounds
   which make up the materials on this earth, its core and
   its  atmosphere.   He  has learnt how  to  artificially
   combine  the  elements and the compounds  in  order  to
   produce  new synthetic materials which are even  better
   than  what is found naturally.  Now he can create  life
   itself,  he can play God and even more.  What  need  is
   there for religion, for submission to a superior being.
   Knowing   about   everything   around   him   he    can
   scientifically create more than that created by what we
   call the Creator, by God.
   17.   But  the scientist is wrong.  He thinks  that  he
   knows  all  the  answers.  Actually he does  not.   For
   science cannot and can never answer the question "why".
   He  can  explain how things happen, how things  possess
   the  qualities that they have.  But he can never answer
   why  things happen the way it happens or have qualities
   that  they have.  Whenever he tries to explain  why  he
   ends up by explaining how things are but not why things
   are as they are.
   18.   We  know that two atoms of Hydrogen combine  with
   one  atom of oxygen will form water - H2O.  That is how
   water  is  formed  but why should it be  two  atoms  of
   Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen?  Why cannot it be some
   other elements combining with each other? Why cannot it
   be  two atoms of Chlorine and one atom of helium or any
   other gas?  The scientists can explain how but not give
   a  reason  why.   Every  time  they  try  they  end  up
   explaining how and not answering why.
   19.   Every  time science explains anything  about  the
   materials or the phenomena on earth or in the  universe
   it  fails  to explain why.  Light travels at a  certain
   speed and it takes light years to travel from stars  to
   earth, from stars to stars, thus explaining how big  is
   the  universe.  But again why should it take this time,
   why  should it be so big or distant -- these are things
   science cannot explain.
   20.   Finally science concludes that it is nature.  But
   why  should nature determine all these phenomena;  from
   the  electron,  protons  and neutrons,  the  electrical
   charges  to  the  stars which are  thousands  of  times
   bigger  than  the sun of ours, emitting enormous  heat,
   science cannot explain beyond lamely saying that it  is
   21.   One  can say that it is natural but one can  also
   say that there is a certain power that determines this.
   And  that power is the God that humans through the ages
   worship.   That super-power, that super  being  is  the
   answer to the question why.
   22.  So no matter how great science is, how much it can
   unravel  and recreate things, what science can  achieve
   is only what God permits it to achieve.
   23.   Science must go on to investigate the origins  of
   things  and how things are what they are; science  must
   use the information to create and build new things; but
   science must not assume that religion, the teachings to
   be  subservient  to  a great unseen  and  unexplainable
   power is superstition and should be discarded.  Science
   is  no substitute for religion, for no matter how great
   humans  can  be, in the end humans have to  admit  that
   there  is a power greater than all humans.  Indeed  the
   greater  the knowledge of science, the greater will  be
   our  wonder  at the creations of the Creator,  the  God
   that we worship.
   24.   Religion  is  therefore even more  necessary  and
   relevant  now, in the age of science, than when  humans
   were more ignorant.  The Apocalypse can still happen as
   for  example when the world collides and the human race
   is  wiped  out  or through some other of  a  myriad  of
   phenomena that can by God's will happen.  We should not
   give up on science.   We should study, unravel and make
   use  of the knowledge that science brings but we should
   never  be  so  arrogant  as  to  conclude  that  faith,
   religion has no more place in this world.
   25.  The humility that comes along with the realisation
   that  despite  all  our knowledge, we  are  really  not
   masters  of  the universe, will make us better  humans.
   If  today  the world is in such a state of turmoil,  if
   today science can kill and has killed more people  than
   it  saved,  it is because humans, especially those  who
   have  successfully applied scientific  knowledge,  have
   lost  their  way and think that science  has  made  God
   replaceable  or irrelevant.  Base desires and  emotions
   have  overcome them.  They glory in their capacity  and
   their willingness to destroy the human race in order to
   fulfil their base desires.
   26.   We who still have faith in religion can only pray
   and work to bring them back to their senses.  They must
   be  made to realise that the nuclear warheads that they
   possess  can  ignite and detonate and bring  about  the
   apocalypse that they don't believe in.
   27.   I  would  like to thank you for  inviting  me,  a
   Muslim, to officiate at this General Conference of  the
   World  Fellowship  of Buddhists and Buddhist  Youth.  I
   know  there  will  be some among my co-religionist  who
   will  question my involvement in the affairs of another
   religion.  Some indeed would use this to condemn me and
   accuse me of being an apostate.
   28.   But Islam recognises the right of other religions
   to  exist.  Islam agrees that we will be different.  To
   you your religion and to me mine.
   29.  Today Islam and the Muslims have been vilified and
   condemned  because some Muslims have been  involved  in
   acts  of terrorism.  I feel that it is the duty of  all
   Muslims  to  try  and correct the wrong  perception  of
   Islam.   As  much  as the Spanish Inquisition  and  the
   pogroms  were  not  a reflection of  the  teachings  of
   Christianity, the terror attacks are not  a  reflection
   of  the teachings of Islam.  Certainly the sex scandals
   which  involve  the Christian priests are  not  due  to
   Christianity, but just human failings.  Among Buddhists
   too there must be failures.
   30.   We  all have to attend to our failures and  I  am
   sure  your  conference will focus on the many  problems
   which  affect  the  human race and  the  role  of  your
   religion in bringing back a confused world to sanity.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


