Tarikh/Date	:	23/02/2003
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM 

   "Building a New World Order - Sustaining Peace,
   Sharing Global Prosperity"
        I   would  like  to  welcome  to  Malaysia,   all
   delegates  from NAM member countries.   I  would  also
   like   to  congratulate  the  organisers,  the   Asian
   Strategy  & Leadership Institute (ASLI), the  Malaysia
   South-South  Association (MASSA) and the  Ministry  of
   Foreign  Affairs  for organising  a  timely  forum  to
   discuss ways to strengthen South-South Cooperation.
   2.     I   would  also  like  to  express   the   deep
   appreciation  of  member  countries  to  the  outgoing
   Chairman,  H.E. President Thabo Mbeki of the  Republic
   of   South   Africa   who   has  provided   invaluable
   leadership  to  the Movement at a very  critical  time
   where  a  new world order is being forged.   When  the
   Movement  last  met in 1998 in Durban,  South  Africa,
   the   world   had  not  experienced  the  tragedy   of
   September  11  and  the ensuing fight  against  global
   3.    The  international situation has  relapsed  into
   the   old   state   of   uncertainty.    International
   leadership,  be it by the major powers or  the  United
   Nations,  has  become vague as confrontations  at  the
   interstate    and   intra-state   levels    increased.
   Questions  have  again been asked over  the  role  and
   relevance  of the Non-Aligned Movement.  Our inability
   to  collectively stand against many issues  that  have
   affected each individual country differently has  been
   cited  by  our detractors as marking the beginning  of
   the end of the Movement.
   4.    NAM  was  forged 48 years ago to  be  the  third
   force  between  the  two superpower  blocs.   NAM  was
   designed  to  play the pivotal role in liberating  the
   world  from those who dominated it through colonialism
   and  other  forms  of hegemony.  NAM was  expected  to
   promote democratic relations among states and to  help
   the  growth of developing countries, through  enhanced
   South-South and North-South relations.
   5.    The  political  struggle has  not  been  without
   achievements;   especially  against  colonialism   and
   apartheid.    But  the domination of the  world  by  a
   select  few  remains.    This  is  evident  in   their
   control  of  the international media and  institutions
   which  deal with issues of world security and economy.
   The   Security   Council   and   the   Bretton   Woods
   institutions  remain under the  firm  grip  of  a  few
   countries.   The  domination  now  extends  into   the
   imposition  of  their values and  standards  in  total
   disregard  for the cultures and traditions of  others.
   And  so  the  fundamental challenge  to  our  Movement
   remains  that  of  addressing the  domination  of  the
   world  by  a  select few, now no longer  divided  into
   opposing blocs.  We have lost the option to defect  to
   the   other  side.   The  only  way  we  can   protect
   ourselves is to close ranks and adopt common stands.
   6.    Let  us  send a clear message to our  detractors
   that  NAM is still alive and intends to play  a  major
   role  in the post-cold war era.  NAM is a major  forum
   for  consultations and coordination  of  positions  on
   crucial  political  and  economic  issues  among   the
   developing  countries.  It is  still  the  only  forum
   where  Heads of State and Government of the South  can
   meet  to  take stock of developments which affect  all
   of  us.  NAM, on behalf of the South, will continue to
   champion  the  just  cause for a  new     world  order
   based  on  the  principles of  justice,  equality  and
   democracy in international relations.
   7.     Admittedly,  the  South,  which  this  Movement
   represents, was never a single monolithic entity.   It
   was  a  grouping  of  nations  with  widely  differing
   interests,  united largely by a common colonial  past.
   Despite  becoming independent and sovereign,  many  of
   us  in the South continue to be economically weak  and
   dependent  on the North.   Political freedom  has  not
   cut  loose  the  economic  chains.   High  levels   of
   poverty  pose the greatest threat to many of  us,  the
   developing countries.
   8.    Before the South can collectively demand that it
   be  taken  seriously as a player in the  international
   arena,   it  must  confront  and  overcome   its   own
   weaknesses.     A   shared   colonial   past    cannot
   permanently  guarantee the unity and cohesion  of  the
   South.  Ethnic, tribal and religious differences  have
   led   to  the  collapse  of  many  governments,  often
   culminating in brutal and protracted civil  wars.  The
   freedom  that  we gained at great cost  and  sacrifice
   has  been squandered by many of us. Development of our
   countries,  eradication of poverty and the improvement
   in  the quality of life of our people have been put on
   the back burner.
   9.    Many of us have spent billions on armaments  and
   weapons  of  destruction when we  should  be  fighting
   malnutrition, illiteracy and disease.     Although  we
   have   set  up  regional  groupings  to  help  resolve
   disputes between us, far too often we resort to  armed
   confrontations.   The little money  that  we  have  is
   wasted  in this way.  The saddest part is that in  the
   end  we  have to revert to the status quo with no  one
   gaining anything.
   10.   It  is  actually  in the interest  of  the  more
   prosperous  states  of the world to  help  the  poorer
   nations.   That  is our experience in Malaysia.   When
   the  rich  invested  in  our country  they  helped  to
   enrich  us  and we then became rich markets for  their
   goods.   Because of this we have adopted the  "Prosper
   Thy  Neighbour  Policy".  By enriching others  we  now
   have   rich   markets  for  the  growing  manufactured
   products  that  we export.  Enriching  poorer  nations
   including   neighbours  is   not   charity.    It   is
   enlightened  self-interest.  Not only will  we  create
   markets and rich trading partners, but we will  create
   a more prosperous and peaceful world.
   11.     Fortunately,    for   us   the    debilitating
   stranglehold   of   political  ideologies   has   been
   relaxed.   The  main  concern  for  everyone  now   is
   economic  development  and  the  well-being   of   our
   people.   For  this  we  need stability  and  a  legal
   framework as well as practices which are conducive  to
   business and trade.  All of us have some resources  to
   depend  on,  including  an abundance  of  labour.   It
   remains   for   us   to   ensure   minimal   political
   uncertainties,  especially the reversals  of  previous
   commitments  whenever  new  governments   take   over.
   While  we  may  not  need the  kind  of  openness  and
   transparency  demanded by the developed countries,  it
   must  be admitted that business cannot be done  in  an
   environment of total opacity and uncertainty.
   12.   We know that the wealth of a country depends  on
   the  ability and the skill to translate resources into
   products  or services that can be marketed.  The  very
   rich  oil  producing countries had oil throughout  the
   centuries  of their existence.  But they  only  became
   rich  when  this oil was piped up from the  bowels  of
   the  earth  and sold to consumers.  The capability  to
   bring   up   the  oil  was  not  with  the   countries
   concerned.   But obviously until the oil  was  brought
   up   these   countries   were   extremely   poor   and
   undeveloped.   It is equally obvious that  it  is  not
   the resource but the ability to produce and market  it
   that  matters.  Gold in the ground underneath our feet
   does  not make us rich.  But producing and selling  it
   will.  This is elementary.
   13.  But before the resources can be converted to wealth
   certain preconditions are needed.  The most important is
   the political environment that prevails.
   14.   Let  us admit that for many of us the  political
   environment  is  not conducive to the exploitation  of
   our   resources.   Since  independence  we  have  been
   plagued   by   political  instability.   Whether   the
   Government  is  autocratic  or  democratic  does   not
   really  matter.  All the developed countries of  today
   were  built up by autocratic rulers.  It is only quite
   recently that they have become democratic.  And  being
   democratic   does  not  ensure  political   stability.
   Indeed  political stability is even more difficult  to
   achieve in a democratic system.
   15.   Clearly it is not the system that counts, it  is
   the  practitioners of the system.   A  benevolent  and
   caring  autocrat can do wonders to develop  a  nation.
   On  the other hand a democracy with numerous bickering
   political  parties, none of which are  big  enough  to
   provide a strong Government, all of which are bent  on
   disruptions  of all kinds in order to bring  down  the
   incumbent;  will also not be stable.  The  people  are
   supposed  to  be wise and to choose a Government  that
   will  be good for them. But the reality is that people
   are  not  wise, not even the majority of  them.   They
   are  usually deeply divided, more interested in  their
   narrow  ideological,  ethnic or  party  concerns  than
   they   are   in   the  well-being  of  their   nation.
   Frequently  they  are  bribed  or  they  threaten  the
   election  candidates and the Government to grant  them
   favours,  illegally and unfairly, if their  votes  are
   to  be  won.  Then there is the lobbying system, where
   a  fee  is  paid lobbyists who have access to decision
   makers.   Those  who can afford the  most  influential
   lobbyist  get favours which are denied to others.   In
   the  end  it  is  not good Government  that  democracy
   delivers,  but  Governments  which  offer  bribes  and
   accept  bribes.  For most of the people,  it  is  what
   they  get personally that matters, not the development
   of the nation and the well-being of the people.
   16.    I   am  not  saying  that  we  should   abandon
   democracy.   Autocracy can be worse as we  need  force
   to  remove  an  autocrat.  We  need  only  to  vote  a
   democratic  Government out of office.   For  the  time
   being  democracy offers us the best political  system.
   But  we  need to know how to manage it, to use  it  in
   order   to   have   good  Governments  and   political
   stability.  We want political stability because it  is
   good  in itself.  But we want it more because  it  can
   help prosper our country.
   17.   Corruption afflicts every country in the  world.
   It  is  the  degree of corruption that determines  the
   success  or  otherwise  of a Government's  ability  to
   develop  the  economic potential of a country.   Where
   corruption  is openly accepted as a way  of  life,  no
   country   can  develop  and  prosper.   The   business
   community fears corruption but some welcome it.   What
   is  certain is that corruption, by increasing the cost
   of  doing  business  will hinder  the  progress  of  a
   country.   Although  anti-corruption  efforts   seldom
   succeed  in  putting  an  end  to  corruption,  it  is
   probably  successful in slowing down  or  halting  the
   spread of corruption.  That is good enough.
   18.   Political instability and corruption are the two
   most  important  obstructions to business  and  wealth
   creation.   We  of  the  South  must  overcome   these
   weaknesses  if  we  want  to see  business  activities
   prosper our countries.
   19.   That  there is a lot of business to be  done  in
   the  South  is obvious.  Why else should the countries
   of  the   North fight each other in order to  get  the
   business  of the countries of the South?   It  follows
   therefore  that  there are business  opportunities  in
   the  South  which can help build up the  economies  of
   the  countries.  It also means that companies  in  the
   South    can   also   avail   themselves   of    these
   opportunities and keep more of the wealth  within  the
   20.   It  was  in order to do this that the  Group  of
   Fifteen countries of the South was formed.  This  core
   group   should   be   able  to   pioneer   South-South
   cooperation in economic development.  It has  achieved
   some  success but admittedly it is nothing to be proud
   21.   We live in challenging times.  The world  as  we
   know it has forever been changed for the worse by  the
   harrowing  events of September 11.  We risk our  world
   plunging  into  more chaos as Israel seize  upon  this
   event  as  an excuse to launch terror attacks  against
   the   Palestinians,  claiming  that  it  is   fighting
   against terrorism.  The result is predictable.   Every
   time  the Israelis attack, the Palestinians retaliate.
   Then  the  Israelis have to retaliate, which  attracts
   Palestinian retaliation.  There is not only no end  to
   this  but  acts  of  terror are  escalating  and  have
   already  spread  to  other parts of  the  world.   The
   attack  against  Iraq will simply anger  more  Muslims
   who  see  this as being anti Muslim rather  than  anti
   terror.   The  fact that North Korea's open  admission
   that  it has weapons of mass destruction has met  only
   with  mild  admonishment by the West  seems  to  prove
   that  indeed  it  is  a war against  Muslims  and  not
   against  the  fear of possession of  weapons  of  mass
   destruction by the so-called rogue countries.
   22.   The world is in a state of terror.  We are quite
   paranoid.   We  are  afraid of  flying,  of  going  to
   certain countries, fearful of certain people.  We  are
   afraid  of  white  powder,  shoes,  metal  cutlery  on
   aircrafts.   Recently  in  Australia  an  airport  was
   evacuated  because of the strong smell of a  delicious
   Malaysian fruit.  We are afraid of Muslims, of  Arabs,
   of  bearded  people.  We are afraid  of  war,  of  the
   disruption it can cause and the uncertainties.
   23.    All  these  are  not  good  for  business,  all
   increase  the cost of doing business.  We do not  know
   how  long  we  will  remain in this state  of  terror.
   Fighting  global  terrorists is not  like  fighting  a
   conventional war against a country.  You can defeat  a
   country  and  get it to surrender, sign a  treaty  and
   bring  the  war  to  an  end.  But  global  terrorists
   belong   to  no  country.    Even  if  their   leaders
   surrender  there  is no guarantee that  other  leaders
   will  not  emerge, that the followers and new recruits
   will not continue their terror attacks.
   24.   This is the environment that we must do business
   in.   It  is  going to be very difficult.   The  world
   will  not  grow  as it used to prior to September  11,
   2001.   We  may get used to this of course,  to  lower
   standards, to a slide into greater poverty even.   But
   if  we  don't  learn how to handle this poor  business
   environment we can only get worse.
   25.   The  business community of the South must  learn
   to  work together, to study and discuss and devise our
   way  to overcome our problems.  We must learn from the
   failures and success of each other.  But above all  we
   must  stay  together and act together.   The  rest  we
   have  to leave to the politicians.  They hold the  key
   and  only  they  can  recreate the  world  environment
   which  can enable economic prosperity through business
   to  return.  To stay and act together I would like  to
   suggest   that   your   Forum   could   perhaps   give
   consideration  to establishing a Business  Council  of
   the  NAM, so that the momentum created can be  carried

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


