Tarikh/Date	:	09/08/2003
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:    

       It  is  with optimism for a better future  that  I
   welcome  the  inauguration of the  Kuala  Lumpur  World
   Peace  Conference. I congratulate the  Malaysian  World
   Peace  Foundation  for organising this  very  important
   conference  at this critical juncture.   I  would  also
   like  to  thank  the Foundation for the invitation  and
   honour of declaring open this conference.
   2.    In  recent times we have seen some of  the  worst
   international  violence  in  the  history  of  mankind.
   While  frustrated and angry young people crashed  their
   aircrafts  into  buildings,  killing  a  few   thousand
   innocent people, the retalition that this triggered  is
   no  less  brutal, killing innumerable innocent  people,
   unconnected with Sept 11.   It is therefore timely that
   we  make  some  effort  to return  to  sanity,  to  the
   peaceful  settlement  of disputes between  nations  and
   3.    But some would question why Malaysia should  take
   this initiative.  Malaysia had known wars, conventional
   and  guerrilla.   But Malaysia had  striven  to  settle
   conflicts  within it and between it and other countries
   in  a  peaceful way, through negotiations  rather  than
   confrontations  and  wars.  And  Malaysia  has  largely
   succeeded.   We regard no one as an enemy against  whom
   we  should  war.   And  domestically  we  have  avoided
   violent confrontations between the peoples of different
   4.   If I may I would like to say that the world should
   take note of the way Malaysia achieves these things.  I
   do not suggest our way is the best for everyone, but  I
   do  suggest that we are a relevant example of  how  the
   differences  between  people  can  be  settled  without
   5.   I hope our foreign guests will experience this for
   themselves   as   they  meet  and  mix  with   ordinary
   Malaysians.   There is some tension, some  disagreement
   but  by  and large Malaysians of every race and  strata
   get  along  quite  well  with each  other.   They  live
   together,  work  together and  play  together.   Inter-
   racial  marriage  is  not  common.   No  one  seeks  to
   assimilate  anyone else.  But we do seek  to  integrate
   and we have done this quite well.
   6.     There  are  very  many  differences  within  our
   multiracial society but we focus more on what is common
   than  on what is different.  We have learnt to tolerate
   each  other.   I apologise if I seem to be  holding  up
   Malaysia as an example of peaceful coexistence.  But  I
   have  to  do  this because almost every report  by  the
   foreign  media  would begin with the famous  "Although"
   i.e.    "Although  Malaysia  appears  to  be  peaceful,
   actually  it  is not."  They suggest that  Malaysia  is
   about  to  burst  in flames as the  races  go  at  each
   other's throats.  That it has not done so for years and
   years does not stop them from predicting violent racial
   conflicts in Malaysia.
   7.    As  I  said, this conference is timely.   It  has
   brought  together  several  of  the  world's  prominent
   statesmen  and thinkers to share their views  on  peace
   and lend their support to our endeavour.
   8.    The  Malaysia World Peace Foundation has  created
   the  Kuala  Lumpur World Peace Award.   Malaysia  is  a
   Muslim  country and we think it is appropriate  that  a
   Muslim country should initiate this Peace Award.   Many
   may  not  believe  it but Islam, the  religion  of  the
   Muslims, means peace.  When we greet each other we  say
   "Peace be upon you".  Incidentally the Jews also  greet
   in the same way.  "Shalom" means peace.  If there seems
   to be no peace in the Islamic world, especially between
   Muslims and Jews  it is not because of religion.  It is
   simply because of human cussedness, contrariness.
   9.    You will recall the violence of Christendom as it
   expanded.    The  Jews  were  subjected  to  periodical
   pogroms   because  they  were  supposed  to   slaughter
   Christian  children  in order to use  their  blood  for
   religious  ceremonies.  The Christian  were  also  very
   intolerant   of  their  own  heretics.    The   Spanish
   Inquisition  saw  the fake trials and burnings  at  the
   stakes  of the Christian heretics.  And when Christians
   discovered new land, they forced the conversion of  the
   natives on pain of death.  They claim that it was their
   Manifest Destiny to bring Christianity and civilisation
   to  the  natives, failing which they should exterminate
   the heathens.
   10.   But  we all know that there was nothing Christian
   in  all  these things that they had done.  Christianity
   was  a convenient excuse for doing un-Christian things.
   Similarly  many Muslims invoke Islam when  they  commit
   unIslamic things.  The Al-Quran is very clear.  Muslims
   can  only  fight in self-defense.  And when  the  enemy
   sues for peace Muslims must respond positively.
   11.   It  is  therefore right for a Muslim  country,  a
   peaceful Muslim country, to campaign for peace  and  to
   create  a  World Peace Award.  We have made  our  first
   award  to  the  most  deserving person  in  our  times.
   President Jacques Chirac of France, the first recipient
   has courted unpopularity in his rejection of war as  an
   instrument  of  policy.  He is  the  only  First  World
   leader who remained in close contact with the condemned
   leaders  of  the third World and tried to  reason  with
   them.   No  sabre rattling.  Only friendly  ears.   And
   when  it  came  to  the crunch, to be  with  or  to  be
   against, he chose to stand firm on his principles.   It
   is  therefore only right that he should get this  first
   Kuala Lumpur World Peace Award.
   12.   If  all  the  world leaders  are  like  President
   Chirac,   peace  would  have  a  better  chance.    But
   unfortunately  leaders,  even popular  leaders,  differ
   greatly.   And  so  war  as an instrument  of  national
   policy  is  still  with us.  It is a  truism  that  the
   people who want war most are those who believe they can
   win the war.  The least warlike are those who know they
   would lose.
   13.   Peace  has  to be fought for, not on  the  battle
   fields  but in the conference rooms.  There is no  such
   thing  as  a  war to end all wars, a war for  permanent
   peace.  The first and second world wars were billed  as
   the  wars to end all wars.  But war is still very  much
   with us, as we have seen recently.
   14.   Unfortunately  to  neglect  defence  because   we
   believe  in peace is likely to invite attacks and  war.
   That is because we still have warlike predators in this
   world.   The  whole world must fully believe  in  peace
   before we can stop wasting money on defense.
   15.   The  destruction wrought by the nuclear bombs  on
   Hiroshima and Nagasaki frightened the world.  A nuclear
   war  can  really  completely  destroy  this  world.   A
   Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was crafted for all to
   subscribe  to.  But the powerful countries  capable  of
   producing  nuclear weapons refused to sign.  They  went
   ahead  to develop and produce nuclear weapons and store
   enough  of  them  to destroy all the  living  creatures
   together with this world.  Today one bloc has given up.
   There really is no credible enemy for the winning bloc.
   Yet  the preparation for war goes on and never and more
   lethal nuclear weapons are being produced and stored in
   readiness for war.
   16.   But  now even the poor can produce lethal nuclear
   devices thanks to the warlike rich and their ingenuity.
   Unable   to  use  nuclear  explosives,  the  diabolical
   scientists  of  the  rich have  coated  their  ordinary
   bullets with nuclear waste material. If the bullet does
   not  kill immediately, the wounds would be contaminated
   with  radio-active  material to cause  lethal  diseases
   later.   Obviously if the radio-active  material  coats
   even simple explosives, the effect would be more lethal
   than normal.  And so we must now fear dirty bombs.
   17.   In  today's  war everyone is  on  the  frontline.
   Ordinary non-combatants are as much the targets as  are
   the  soldiers.  Their death is not even honoured.  They
   are  called collaterals. To the devastating  effect  of
   shrapnels carried by bombs and missiles, there are  now
   the cluster-bombs dispersing bomblets over a wide area,
   bomblets  which  explode on contact,  killing  innocent
   children who picked them up.
   18.   To make sure that bunkers and shelters deep  down
   in  the  ground are destroyed, bombs are being invented
   with nuclear warheads to penetrate deep into the ground
   before exploding.  Incendiary bombs are invented so  as
   to  explode  in front of caves sucking and burning  all
   the oxygen and asphyxiating those hiding in the caves.
   19.    Heat  seeking  and  laser  guided  missiles  are
   supposed to be smart.  But too often they hit the wrong
   targets.  And so hospitals and schools are hit.
   20.   Rockets can now be fired from hundreds  of  miles
   away  or  indeed from more than a thousand miles  away.
   Borders  and frontline; mean nothing anymore.  Everyone
   in a country at war is in the frontline, is the target.
   Still   the   search   for  more  efficient   so-called
   conventional  weapons  goes  on.   Eliminating  nuclear
   weapons will not end wars, for conventional weapons are
   as  much  weapons of mass destruction  as  are  nuclear
   weapons.  And now we have gas and germs to spread death
   with equal efficiency.
   21.   The strange thing is that as soon as a new weapon
   is  invented  a defense against it would follow.   Then
   there would be a weapon which can overcome the defense.
   And  then  a  new defense system would be  invented  to
   counter  the  weapons which can penetrate the  defense.
   And so it goes on, consuming huge sums of money as they
   are researched, tested, produced and stored or provided
   to the armed forces.
   22.   If  there is no war then all these very expensive
   weapons  would be a waste.  There is therefore an  itch
   to  test these weapons in real war conditions.  And  so
   little  wars  are encouraged so these  weapons  can  be
   tested.   Off  and  on  a fairly  major  war  would  be
   launched deliberately for no very good reason.  And the
   weapons  are  gleefully used in these real life  tests.
   And  their effectiveness are evaluated so that they can
   be improved and made even more lethal.
   23.   To  recover some of the cost of developing  these
   weapons, the rich countries hawk their weapons all over
   the world.  Poor countries are advised by high pressure
   arms  salesmen to buy and equip their armed forces with
   these  weapons.  To encourage them, it was pointed  out
   that  their neighbours have already bought or are about
   to  buy these weapons.  If attacked by their neighbours
   they would suffer huge losses and damage.  So they must
   buy  even  if their neighbours are friendly.  And  when
   they  buy,  their  neighbours far  and  near  would  be
   persuaded to buy the weapons so as not to be considered
   behind  the  times.  And so the small countries  expend
   huge sums of money, money which they can ill afford  on
   arms, which in most instances they would never use  and
   which  would become out of date and would  need  to  be
   replaced by new state of the art murder weapons.
   24.   The media belonging to the countries selling  the
   arms condemn these small countries for entering into an
   arms  race  and wasting money.  They never condemn  the
   high pressure salesman or the vast sums expended in the
   research and production of these weapons by the rich.
   25.   The  cost  escalates all  the  time.   A  fighter
   aircraft  used to cost a few million dollars  a  piece.
   Now they cost well over a hundred million, and more for
   the  ground  support  necessary to  keep  them  flying.
   Weapons may represent an investment for the security of
   a   nation  but  otherwise  they  have  no  return   on
   investment.  If there is no research into newer weapons
   and everyone is equipped with old fashioned rifles, the
   winners  would  still win and the  losers  would  still
   lose.  The number of casualties would be less, and  the
   money  saved can be expended on human welfare.  Whether
   rifles  or  rockets the result would be the  same,  one
   side will win, the other will lose.
   26.   In  the  old days wars were fought by armies  led
   into  battle  by  their generals.  The chances  of  the
   generals getting killed during the battles were as good
   as  those  of their soldiers.  Generals were  therefore
   wary of wars and battles.
   27.   But  today the generals operate from command  and
   control centres hundreds of miles away from the killing
   fields.   Civilian leaders actually stay at home,  with
   armies  of  security guards to protect them.   For  the
   leaders making war is easy, especially war against weak
   and  easily defeated enemies.  Thus the desire to  wage
   wars at the slightest excuse.
   28.   Just  as no one dares to criticise an  oppressive
   leader,  no  one  dares  to say  anything  against  the
   powerful  countries.   The risk of  being  invaded  and
   occupied is real.  Or at the very least there would  be
   sanctions,  the  modern equivalent  of  the  historical
   siege, when everyone, guilty or innocent would be  made
   to suffer until they surrender.
   29.   Unable  to win a conventional war, the  weak  has
   resorted  to  terror  attacks.   Governments  may   not
   approve of this but there is no way the governments can
   discipline their angry and frustrated people.   If  the
   governments  try  to  stop  their  people,  they,   the
   government  leaders would be killed  by  these  people.
   The quandary the governments are in is obvious.  It  is
   a  case  of being damned if you do and being damned  if
   you don't.
   30.   But is peace for the world, for the countries and
   the  peoples of the world possible?  Of course  it  is.
   It  would  be  a  sad commentary on  our  21st  Century
   civilisation  if  we accept that peace  is  impossible,
   that  the  world must always live in fear of war,  must
   always arm to the teeth at tremendous cost and still be
   in  fear.   It  is  even sadder when our  21st  Century
   civilisation accepts that the weak must continue to  be
   bullied and hegemonised by the strong.
   31.  Peace is possible if we make exceptions for no one
   in  terms  of  submission  to  the  only  International
   authority  that  we have, the United  Nations.   It  is
   presently not a democratic organisation, prevented from
   being so by the very people who preach democracy.   But
   it  is  still the only international authority that  we
   have.  We have to make it work.  And it can work if the
   powerful   countries   restore   its   credibility   by
   respecting it and the decisions made by it.
   32.   Secondly, peace can be had if the avaricious  and
   the  greedy  are  curbed.  Having exploited  their  own
   countries  to  the  maximum  they  are  now   bent   on
   exploiting the whole world.  They invent all  kinds  of
   spurious  reasons  to  legitimise  their  exploitation.
   Despite frothing at the mouth promoting democracy,  the
   rule  of  law and human rights, these same people  deny
   democracy  by insisting that the market must discipline
   governments, even elected governments.  The market,  or
   rather  the  very rich business and money  manipulators
   are  elected by no one.  They may be rich and  powerful
   but  they represent no one but themselves. If we  allow
   these greedy people to rule the world, we might as well
   forget about democracy.
   33.   Their  selfish  exploitation  of  the  world  has
   impoverished  countries  and  people  so  much  that  a
   backlash by the very poor is inevitable.  Unfortunately
   instead  of dealing with this social ill, the  powerful
   can only see democratisation and the free market as the
   solution.   Yet these very solutions are the causes  of
   the extreme disparities which make peace impossible.
   34.   Aggression  by  democratic forces  and  the  free
   market is no different from aggression by authoritarian
   and  closed markets which the Communist countries  once
   represented.    Yet   if   the  democrats   are   truly
   democratic, they can do so much to curb aggression,  to
   be  sensitive to the problems of the poor majority  and
   to help remove the extreme disparities between rich and
   poor  which  are  the  causes of unrest,  violence  and
   terrorism, i.e. the absence of peace.
   35.   Modern  nations tax the rich in order to  provide
   for  the poor, thereby reducing the disparities and the
   possibility of violent confrontations between rich  and
   poor.   Society becomes more stable and peaceful  where
   there is more equitability all round.
   36.  Similarly in a globalised world the rich countries
   and the rich people must be taxed in order to alleviate
   the  poverty  of poor countries and poor people.   They
   need not be made dependent on the rich forever but they
   should be helped through the provision of the necessary
   basic amenities for them to exploit the wealth of their
   countries themselves.
   37.   Only when wealth is fairly and evenly distributed
   in  the globalised world community will we be free from
   the  tensions, the bitterness and the anger which  make
   the deprived resort to violence and terrorism, breaking
   the peace.
   38.   The  disparities  in the  world  today  was  once
   reflected in Malaysia.  Wealth used to belong  only  to
   one  community  while  the other  communities  remained
   extremely  poor.  The tension caused by this  situation
   lead to racial riots, destruction of property and death
   of  many in 1969.  To avoid a recurrence the government
   launched an affirmative action plan designed to  reduce
   the disparities between the races and eradicate poverty
   among all.
   39.   Over a period of time with the reduction  in  the
   disparities  the  tension  eased.   And  so  when   the
   economic crisis of 1997-1998 brought great hardship  to
   the  people, there were no race riots as there were  in
   other similarly affected countries.
   40.    The   World  needs  affirmative  action  between
   countries so that the disparities between rich and poor
   countries  worldwide are reduced and tension minimised.
   With this peace would be possible.
   41.  For the countries and peoples of the world valuing
   peace  must be cultivated deliberately, must be made  a
   part  of the national cultures beginning in the schools
   and  throughout  life.  This culture  must  be  adopted
   fully   and   seriously  especially  by  the   powerful
   countries  of the world, by their people.   We  need  a
   culture  of  Peace  particularly among  those  who  are
   arming  themselves to the teeth, who constantly develop
   arms  and  who  sell  them  to  confronting  pairs   of
   42.  This conference is timely.  It is a small step but
   it   is  the  correct  step.   The  powerful  are   not
   interested in peace.  Only the weak are.  And the  weak
   must together initiate and promote peace.
   43.   Fortunately  there  are many  from  the  powerful
   countries  who  believe in peace.   We  should  welcome
   their  cooperation.  They can help to spread  the  word
   among  the people who matter, the people who  are  rich
   and   powerful.   In  the  final  analysis  unless  the
   powerful reject war as an instrument of national policy
   peace would be impossible.
   44.   I  welcome you to peaceful Malaysia.   Many  have
   tried  to  destablise  this  country.   But  they  have
   failed.   They  failed  because the  vast  majority  of
   Malaysians  believe in peace.  God  willing  they  will
   always  be  steadfast in the struggle for peace.   This
   conference  holds  a  lot  of  meaning  and  hope   for
   Malaysia, and for the weak in the world.
   45.   We therefore await the results of this conference
   and  the  steps that you propose to take.  I  wish  you
   success in your deliberations.
   46.   With that I take great pleasure in declaring  the
   Kuala Lumpur Peace Conference open.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


