Tarikh/Date	:	13/08/2003
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai       :       PM  

        I  am  truly  honoured to stand before  you  as  a
   fellow Smart Partner this evening and to be given  this
   opportunity  to  address you. To my host,  His  Majesty
   King Mswati III, may I extend my deep appreciation  for
   a  warm  welcome  to beautiful Swaziland.   I  wish  to
   record  my  heartfelt appreciation for the  hospitality
   and  warmth that our African brothers and sisters  have
   bestowed  upon  my wife and I whenever  we  attend  the
   Smart  Partnership Dialogues.  This is the seventh  one
   in Africa for us.
   2.    In  the  last  twelve months since  the  Langkawi
   Dialogue  in Malaysia, we have witnessed the continuing
   scourge  of  conflict, invasions and disempowerment  of
   nations.  Not to be forgotten is the SARS epidemic that
   inflicted  more economic damage to East Asian countries
   than  the  9-11  attacks.  The challenges  seem  to  be
   daunting  and  the human endeavour needed  to  surmount
   this  should be even more onerous.  Our gathering  here
   in  beautiful  Ezulwini  over  the  next  few  days  is
   certainly a rededication to what we can do together, so
   that  our  collective efforts can achieve the  outcomes
   that  singly and separately would have been  impossible
   to achieve.
   3.    On  the political front, the third stage  of  the
   Iraq  saga  seems  to  be  unfolding.   The  first  was
   inflicted on our sensibilities beginning more than  ten
   years ago.  It continued for twelve long years when not
   satisfied  with economic sanctions which  deprived  the
   Iraqi   people  of  food  and  medicine,  killing   and
   disfiguring several hundred thousands, particularly the
   children, the powerful democracies continuously  bombed
   the  Iraqi  armed forces until there was  nothing  left
   that they could fight with.
   4.    Having thoroughly weakened the Iraqis, the second
   stage  was launched, and surprise, surprise, the Iraqis
   were defeated, their country invaded and occupied.  Far
   from  using the weapons of mass destruction  they  were
   supposed  to  possess, their warplanes could  not  even
   take to the air.
   5.   And now we are seeing the third stage, the setting
   up  of  a  new and democratic government to be welcomed
   with   happiness  by  the  freed  Iraqis.   Apart  from
   imposition  of a foreign government being anything  but
   democratic,  support  by  the  Iraqi  people   is   not
   forthcoming.  Instead a guerrilla war is in full  swing
   and the saviours are being told to leave or be killed.
   6.    What  do all these mean to us, the nations  which
   aspire  to  become developed and to enjoy the standards
   and  appurtenances of the rich.  The sole  multilateral
   institution  which  we had hoped  to  protect  us,  the
   United Nations, has now been completely emasculated and
   made  impotent.   There are still  other  international
   organisations in which we are members, but all of  them
   are  more  interested in protecting the privileged  few
   than  the welfare of the many.  We have no one to  help
   us.  The only thing that we have left is ourselves.  We
   may  not feel up to it but the fact is that is all that
   we  have.   We  ourselves must face  the  onslaught  of
   globalisation  and  overcome the inequities  that  come
   with it.
   7.    Why  should we fear globalisation?  The world  is
   getting smaller and there really is no place for any of
   us  to  hide ourselves, to be an economic or  political
   island.  Globalisation is an idea whose time has  come.
   We  have  to  accept the fact.  But must we accept  the
   interpretation  of globalisation as formulated  by  the
   8.     The  International  Herald  Tribune  is  not  my
   favourite newspaper.  It has nothing good to say  about
   Malaysia or about any other developing country.  We are
   all  doing the wrong things.  The International  Herald
   Tribune journalists and other Western journalists would
   certainly do a better job of ruling our countries.   We
   would become developed in no time if the editors of the
   International Herald Tribune, the Wall Street  Journal,
   the  Economist are made Presidents and Prime  Ministers
   of  our  countries.  But once in a while these geniuses
   would  confess to the errors of their ways.  And so  it
   was  with the International Herald Tribune of July  23,
   9.    This is what the reigning editorial genius of the
   Tribune  has  to say about the Western (which  you  can
   also  interpret as ethnic Europeans' interpretation  of
   one  particular incident involving globalisation.  This
   is  the  story  of  the  catfish  of  Vietnam,  how  it
   threatens  to  impoverish the great  United  States  of
   10.   I  quote the great International Herald  Tribune.
   "Normalisation of ties with the US, the one time enemy,
   brought   American   trade   mission...one   of   these
   delegationS  recognized the Mekong Delta catfish  as  a
   golden   opportunity  for  export".    Within   a   few
   years...half a million Vietnamese were living  off  the
   catfish  trade.   Vietnam captured 20%  of  the  frozen
   catfish-fillet  market  in  the  U.S.,   driving   down
   11.   "So  the  Americans, represented by  the  Catfish
   Farmers of America declared war."
   12.  It seems that "of the 2000 catfish types, only the
   native  American species qualified as  "catfish".   The
   Vietnamese  could only market their catfish in  America
   under the Vietnamese term "basa" or "tra".
   13.   The  anti-Vietnamese catfish  campaign  went  on.
   Representative   Marion   Berry,   Democrat   Arkansas,
   suggested that Vietnamese fish were not good enough for
   American  diners  because they were  contaminated  with
   Agent  Orange  (which as we all know were  sprayed  all
   over  Vietnam  by  American  forces  to  defoliate  all
   greenery).    The  Catfish  Farmers  of   America   ran
   advertisements depicting Vietnamese fish  as  "floating
   around Third World rivers nibbling on who knows what."
   14.  Then the American group accused the Vietnamese  of
   dumping  catfish at below their cost of production  and
   sale  price  in Vietnam.  The Commerce Department  then
   declared  that  Vietnam is a "non-market"  economy  and
   that  means  the  cost  of  production  in  Vietnam  is
   15.   And  so the Vietnamese catfish farmers  numbering
   almost half a million lost their business, could not go
   back to ordinary farming, and were destitute.
   16.   This  is  not  the  only  case  of  course.   The
   Americans   conducted   a  similar   campaign   against
   Malaysian  palm-oil,  claiming  that  it  is  high   in
   cholesterol,  and  causes  death  from  heart  failure.
   Malaysian  rubber gloves are said to cause allergy  and
   hospitals  actually  put  up notices  that  no  natural
   rubber gloves are used by the hospitals.
   17.   Despite  the fact that 50 percent of Malaysia  is
   covered  with  natural forests and 20 percent  more  by
   tree plantations, the Europeans claim that Malaysia  is
   deforesting  and  Malaysian timber and timber  products
   are  subjected  to  all  kinds of non-tariff  barriers.
   Rubber  wood  furniture which does not involve  natural
   forests are said to be poisonous because of boric  acid
   18.   This is globalisation as interpreted by the  rich
   ethnic European countries.  We accept globalisation but
   must it be the kind of globalisation as interpreted  by
   them.  They say they will open their markets to us  but
   they find all kinds of excuses to keep them closed.
   19.   I  can tell you of many more instances of double-
   talk.   Everything is conditional, even the aid  given.
   You  have to support their policies or it will  be  cut
   off.   And  at  the  slightest misdemeanour,  sanctions
   would be applied.
   20.   Now  of  course they have gone beyond  sanctions.
   War, invasion and occupation of countries are justified
   even  for  spurious reasons.  Accusations of possession
   of  weapons  of mass destruction, dictatorial  regimes,
   violation of human rights, etc. can all be excuses  for
   invading a country.  And when these excuses were proven
   wrong,  they would say that even a slight suspicion  is
   enough to justify invasion to overthrow a regime.
   21.     In  the  pursuit of their aggression  policies,
   their  media play a prominent part.  Lies are  made  up
   and  news  distorted in order to undermine  the  target
   developing country.  Malaysia's Government is made  out
   to   be   an   authoritarian  regime,  a  dictatorship,
   notwithstanding  regular  election  and   the   obvious
   successes  of  the opposition parties.  Anyone  against
   the  government  must be above the law.   If  they  are
   detained under the law, it is wrong.  If they are tried
   in  a court of law, defended by anti-government lawyers
   then  it  is  a charade if found guilty.   These  brown
   people,  they don't understand the rule of law, justice
   etc.  How can they find opposition members guilty?  Yet
   if   the   country  sucks  up  to  them,  not  allowing
   successful opposition members to take their  places  in
   Parliament,  charging them for misuse  of  their  party
   funds,  finding  them  guilty  and  barring  them  from
   contesting in election, it is considered as right.
   22.   Double  standards  is  everywhere.   We  can   be
   criticised  and  condemned.  But if we  point  out  the
   error of their ways, it is made clear that this is  not
   right  and  should not be done.  Pointing out  to  them
   that they have a history of seizing other people's land
   and  claiming it to be their country, is unfair.   This
   was  long  ago  history.  They  don't  do  such  things
   23.   But  is  it true that they don't do  such  things
   anymore?   Not in the same way perhaps.  But  in  other
   ways,  equally blatant and resulting in the same thing.
   We   may   not  be  occupied,  although  invading   and
   occupation is still possible.  But merely by forcing us
   to  open  our  borders for their giant corporations  to
   come in is sufficient.
   24.   In  Malaysia we have always allowed  for  foreign
   participation in our economies.  We have been lavish in
   our  incentives,  giving long  tax  holidays  and  even
   lending the capital for these companies to set up their
   facilities.    We  admit  freely  that  these   foreign
   investors  have contributed much to the development  of
   Malaysia, in particular to the creation of jobs for our
   people.   We still welcome them but we do have  certain
   minor  restrictions to protect our locals and  to  make
   sure that our independence remain intact.
   25.   We  have  done  very  well  with  our  home-grown
   policies.   We have no doubt that our way would  ensure
   growth  and  the  betterment  of  our  people  and  our
   country.   But  now we are told that we  must  open  up
   completely,  subject  ourselves  to  rules  which   are
   formulated  by  rich  people elsewhere,  and  have  our
   government  abdicate  its role  as  the  formulator  of
   policies and their enforcement.  Henceforth the  market
   i.e.  the  big  foreign corporations  backed  by  their
   governments would decide.  The market would  discipline
   the government.
   26.   We  had a taste of this when the currency traders
   devalued our money and destroyed our economy.   But  we
   are  told  that is no reason to reject the system.   If
   being  destroyed  by  a system or regime  is  not  good
   enough  a  reason for rejecting them, then when  do  we
   reject them?
   27.   The history of ideologies and systems coming  out
   of the West is invariably the same.  They think up of a
   system  to overcome the failure of the current  system.
   They  force  their countries to accept this  system  or
   ideology.   After  some time they are forced  to  admit
   that  this  great ideology could not deliver  the  good
   life  that it promised.  The system failed.  Then  they
   come  up  with another system which they are absolutely
   certain  would bring the good life.  Over a  period  of
   time  this  would  fail and then a  new  one  would  be
   formulated and would go through the same cycle.
   28.   They had absolute monarchies, which they replaced
   with    republics,   then   republican   anarchy    and
   dictatorships   were   replaced  with   socialism   and
   communism,  then  back to capitalism,  free  trade  and
   democracy.   We  can be rest assured  that  they  would
   later  on condemn democracy and free trade and come  up
   with another perfect formula.
   29.  Each time they change the whole world must change.
   If  anyone  defies them he will be torn to  pieces  and
   thrown  to  the dogs along with his country.   Heretics
   used  to be burnt at the stakes by them.  The same fate
   would  befall  anyone or any country which  heretically
   refuses to believe in the latest creed.  The burning at
   the  stakes can be quite literal, but it can take other
   forms of course.
   30.   They  will  say that the free market  will  bring
   wealth  to  the poor through a trickling  down  effect.
   But let us see the facts.  The spread of global markets
   has   widened   the  gap  between  the  developed   and
   underdeveloped  countries.   Today  the   richest   one
   percent  of  the  world's population own  as  much  the
   poorest  57  percent.  Half of the  world's  population
   lives  on  less than two dollars a day, more  than  one
   billion  on less than one dollar a day.  Meanwhile  the
   20  percent  of  those living in high income  countries
   account   for   86  percent  of  the  world's   private
   consumption expenditures.
   31.   What  we  are seeing today has been the  downward
   spiralling  of wages, with health and safety  standards
   being  given  mere  token regard.   We  are  definitely
   competing  -competing among ourselves-in this  race  to
   the  bottom.   After  all,  global  capital,  which  is
   answerable to no one, can jump in and pull out  of  any
   country  without concern for the dislocation  the  host
   countries  face.  Taxes can spread some of the  wealth.
   In  their  own countries they pay taxes on  the  wealth
   they make so the poor can have a share of it.  They now
   make  profit by exploiting the whole world.   But  they
   pay no taxes to the world to be expended on the poor in
   the poor countries.  Today more than two billion of the
   six  billion  inhabitants of the world live  in  abject
   poverty suffering all kinds of diseases and dying  like
   flies.   They no longer give out aid, the 0.7%  of  GDP
   that  they  promised.  As to being taxed so as  to  use
   some  of their wealth to feed the poor, they would  not
   hear  of it.  Their media won't even publish the  idea,
   much less support it.
   32.   These  are  the  facts of life  today,  the  21st
   century  the beginning of the third millennium.   There
   is   no  justice,  no  fair  play,  no  charity.    The
   civilisation of the stone age, where might  was  right,
   is still with us.
   33.   We  of  the third world, the so-called developing
   world can cry over all these but it is not going to  do
   us  any good.  The only argument that we can use is our
   strength, little though it may be.  Alone we  are  puny
   but  together we can garner some strength,  wield  some
   34.   There  are  among  the  rich  some  who  have   a
   conscience, some who believe exploitation by  the  rich
   of  the poor is not right.  They are the exceptions  of
   course but we can form alliances with them.
   35.   But  most importantly we must put our  houses  in
   order.  Life is short.  Power and wealth can be enjoyed
   only  for  a short while.  Soon even the most powerful,
   the most wealthy will die.  But if power and wealth  is
   used to build our country, to develop our economy,  the
   results can live long after we are dead and gone.
   36.  Pardon my reverting to Malaysia but we in Malaysia
   believe  in a very simple philosophy.  We have  a  very
   rich  minority made up of people of foreign extraction.
   We, the majority indigenous people, can dispossess them
   and  take  everything for ourselves.  But we know  that
   what  we  forcibly  acquire would not  generate  wealth
   anymore.  We would not know how to squeeze wealth  from
   the great enterprises that enrich this minority group.
   37.   The rich minority on the other hand realise  that
   their   wealth   is  built  upon  the   stability   and
   cooperation  of the indigenous people.  Realising  this
   they  show a willingness not just to share their wealth
   but  to  inculcate  the values and  help  the  majority
   indigenous  people to attain the skills to make  wealth
   for  themselves.  It would take a long time but in  the
   meanwhile  they  are happy to make some  sacrifices  in
   order  to reduce the disparities between them  and  the
   majority indigenous people.
   38.   So  the rich and the poor will share the cake  of
   prosperity, unequally at first but progressing  towards
   greater  equitability with the  passage  of  time.   No
   overnight wealth, no overnight impoverishment.  It  is,
   we in Malaysia believe, far better to have a slice of a
   growing cake than the whole of a disappearing cake.
   39.   The present interpretation of globalisation  will
   result  in greater and greater inequitability  all  the
   time.   The rich will not only become richer  but  they
   will  be  separated from the poor because of  ethnicity
   and  nationality.  Sooner or later the  poor  will  hit
   back.   Today's  terrorism is partly an  expression  of
   this  disparity  in the distribution  of  wealth.   The
   retaliation   by  the  poor  and  the  ethnically   and
   nationally  different can take many other  forms.   The
   rich will not be able to enjoy their wealth forever.
   40.   This is the story of humankind.  Disparities have
   always  been  the cause of revolutions and  bloodsheds.
   But  this  time it will not be within the community  or
   within the country.  It will be on a world scale.  In a
   way  it already is.  The world war that will come  will
   not  be  between  alliances of  nations.   It  will  be
   between  classes,  the  rich  ethnic  minority   states
   against the poor ethnic majority states.
   41.   Perhaps  such  predictions  are  pessimistic  and
   alarmist.   But  despite  the  sophistication  of   the
   intelligence gathering of the powerful, no one foretold
   the  11th  Sept 2001 attack.  Do not be too  sure  that
   there  cannot  be  some ingenuity on the  part  of  the
   42.   And  so, Ladies and Gentlemen, we must strive  to
   make the inevitable global nation work, to make it work
   by  reinterpreting it.  We must bring our philosophy of
   prospering  our neighbour, of "win-win"  formulas  into
   the  vocabulary of the globalised world.  We must bring
   about  smart partnerships, firstly between  us  of  the
   poor  developing nations, so we may have some clout  in
   the  determination of the economic regime of the world,
   and  after that a smart partnership with the rich,  the
   enlightened rich, of which there are quite a few.
   43.    The   great  junk  bond  traders  of  New   York
   unashamedly proclaim that "Greed is Great."   Greed  is
   not  great.  It has always been the cause of  wars  and
   imperialism, of oppression of the strong over the weak,
   of revolt and rebellions.
   44.    Charity   is  great.   The  great  civilisations
   prospered  and survived only when charity characterised
   their  societies.  We must strive to bring back charity
   in  the  management of our affairs,  our  national  and
   international  affairs.  And  we  can  do  that  if  we
   believe   in  prospering  our  neighbours,   in   smart
   partnership and in win-win formulas.
   45.  That I believe is why we are here in Ezulwini,  in
   this  great  Swaziland nation.   We  must  not  be  too
   ambitious.  We must do what is right firstly within our
   own community, within our own nation, before we try  to
   change  the world.  We must believe that we can do  it.
   And most assuredly we can.
   46.   We must be prepared to make what may seem  to  be
   personal sacrifices, but truly they are not.   We  must
   then be prepared to make national sacrifices which will
   prove to be no sacrifice at all.  In the end they  will
   all pay back, and pay back handsomely.
   47.   That is the way to co-create our destiny, to  co-
   create the smart partnership way.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


