Tempat/Venue	:	TIMOR LESTE
Tarikh/Date	:	23/10/2003
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM      

      It  has  been  almost one and a half  years  since
   Timor Leste gained her independence in May 2002 and the
   Government    is   committed   to   the   process    of
   reconstruction and nation building. We are also pleased
   to note that you have your own Vision 2020 to guide you
   through this process of nation building.
   2.    Timor  Leste  has made considerable  progress  in
   planning,  capacity building, and putting in place  the
   necessary institutions and structures. The Government's
   Road  Map,  incorporating the  priorities  of  law  and
   order,    justice,   the   legitimisation   of    local
   authorities, employment creation, and service  delivery
   for   poverty   reduction  in  health,  education   and
   agriculture   are   all  clear  indications   of   this
   Government's  commitment  to  the  well  being  of  the
   3.    Malaysia  is  a firm believer in the  ability  of
   countries to be self-reliant, but we also understand that
   the process can be facilitated with continued support and
   encouragement from nations with similar experience that
   have  the desire to do so. In this regard, Malaysia  is
   committed to working with Timor Leste in its process of
   reconstruction. We were here when you were in the process
   of  establishing your country and we will  continue  to
   cooperate  and collaborate in your economic development
   4.    An  important  aspect of nation building  is  the
   development   of   human   resources.   The   Malaysian
   Government  places  high  emphasis  on  human  resource
   development.   More  than 26 per  cent  of  our  annual
   budget is allocated for education.  The acquisition  of
   technological  skills  and knowledge  has  assisted  in
   accelerating   Malaysia's  economic  growth   and   the
   expansion   of   manufacturing  activities   of   world
   standards.   Malaysia is ready to share our  experience
   with  Timor  Leste  in areas where  we  have  developed
   5.    In  this  regard  I am happy  to  note  that  124
   officials  from Timor Leste have undergone training  in
   areas such as administration, investment, diplomacy  at
   the   Public   Administration  Institute  (INTAN)   and
   Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations.  We  have
   also provided training to 29 youths from Timor Leste in
   a  range of areas including building technology, fabric
   technology,     printing,     automotive,     furniture
   manufacturing and electrical services.
   6.    While the Malaysian Government does its  part  in
   collaborating with Timor Leste, our private sector  has
   also  been  encouraged to invest here. As a  matter  of
   fact,  in  2002, Malaysia ranked as the second  largest
   investor in this country. There are to date, more  than
   90  Malaysian companies investing in your  country,  in
   areas  such  as hotel and restaurants; consultancy  and
   accountancy services; information technology; legal aid
   services;   transportation  and  mechanical   services;
   shipping services; energy; commerce and general trading
   7.   Malaysia notes with interest efforts undertaken by
   the   Timor  Leste  Government  in  attracting  foreign
   investments. Promoting Foreign Direct Investment  (FDI)
   has  been  an  important strategy  for  generating  and
   sustaining  the  economic growth of Malaysia.  In  this
   regard,  we  are happy to share with you our experience
   in promoting FDIs.  We note that Timor Leste is keen to
   attract  foreign  participation in fisheries,  oil  and
   gas,  rebuilding its infrastructure such as  ports  and
   roads,   construction  and  civil  engineering,   light
   manufacturing activities.
   8.     I  would  like  to  reiterate  that  while   the
   Government  provides the framework for cooperation,  it
   is  the  private sector's active involvement that  will
   help   realise  the  objective  of  enhanced   economic
   cooperation  between  both  countries.   The   business
   community should strive to optimise opportunities  that
   are made available, establish contacts and linkages  as
   well  as  collaboration  with  their  counterparts  for
   mutual  benefit. I hope the business community of  both
   countries  will  make  use  of  our  meeting  here   as
   opportunities to establish business linkages for mutual
   benefits in the future.
   9.   Understandably, trade between our two countries is
   small.  However, I am sure there is much we can  do  to
   expand  trade.  In  2002, Malaysia's total  trade  with
   Timor  Leste  amounted to US$0.39 million with  exports
   from  Malaysia  valued at US$0.31 million  and  imports
   from Timor Leste totaling US$80,000. Malaysia's exports
   to    Timor    Leste   comprise   electronic   devises,
   telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories  and
   beverages.  The  potential to  increase  our  bilateral
   trade  is  good,  given our close  links  and  economic
   complementarities   associated  with   our   level   of
   10.   As Timor Leste rebuilds its economy, the business
   communities   of  both  countries  will  find   greater
   opportunities to enhance trade flows.
   Ladies and Gentlemen,
   11.  Malaysia considers the private sector as a partner
   in  our  economic development. This is encapsulated  in
   the  Malaysia Incorporated policy that we put in  place
   in  1983. The Government facilitates the efforts of the
   private  sector  by  putting  in  place  the  necessary
   policies,   incentive   schemes,   infrastructure   and
   framework  to  provide  a  conducive  and  pro-business
   environment for the private sector to operate in.
   12.   I  hope  our  presence  here  will  encourage  an
   exchange  of  ideas  and  establish  collaboration  and
   networking  among  the  business  community   of   both
   13.   Finally,  I  would  like to  express  my  sincere
   appreciation to the Government and people of the  Timor
   Leste   for  the  very  warm  welcome  and  hospitality
   extended to us.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


