Tarikh/Date	:	28/10/2003
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM   

       I   am   honoured  to  address  this  distinguished
   gathering of CEOs in our country. The formation of  this
   organisation  is a landmark in terms of the  development
   of  leaders  in  finance in Malaysia.  This  is  a  very
   significant  contribution  and  initiative   as   having
   outstanding leaders both in the private and  public  are
   a  pre-requisite for achieving our Vision 2020.  We  are
   now  mid- way towards our Vision 2020 of being  a  fully
   developed  nation  in  our  own  mould.  We  have  taken
   important  strides  towards it but  in  these  uncertain
   times,  we cannot afford to be complacent and let things
   just roll along.
   2.    We  need to look at where we are today and how  we
   have  reached  this  stage in our development.  This  is
   important,  as we have not blindly adopted  the  Western
   model  of  development. We have  found  our  own  unique
   path, and have learnt considerably in the process.   Our
   attitudes  and  what we had done in the past,  correctly
   or incorrectly can serve to guide us in the future.
   3.    When  Malaysia  became independent  in  1957,  the
   population  was  only five million and  the  per  capita
   income  was U.S. Dollar 300. Today Malaysia's population
   is  25  million and the per capita is almost U.S. Dollar
   4,000.  All this has not happened by accident.  Malaysia
   has   planned,  strategised,  introduced  policies   and
   methods  which  are  largely market oriented  throughout
   the   various  national  development  plans   and   more
   importantly  has  effectively implemented  these  plans.
   We   are  bound  neither  by  socialist  nor  capitalist
   ideologies.  We are pragmatists, doing what is  possible
   and ignoring idealistic dreams.
   4.    This  has  enabled  the government  to  chart  the
   direction  for  the  country. At  the  time  of  gaining
   independence  Malaysia  was  an  agricultural   country,
   depending almost exclusively on rubber and a fairly  big
   tin  mining industry. While the population was  growing,
   the  production of rubber and tin was not able to create
   the wealth and the job opportunities for them.
   5.    The  only  way was to industrialise. But  Malaysia
   lacked   industrial  expertise,  capital  or  management
   skills  or  knowledge of the market.  When  other  newly
   independent   countries   were   nationalising   foreign
   holdings and closing their markets to foreign goods,  we
   decided  to  invite  foreigners to  start  manufacturing
   industries  in  Malaysia.  We were  prepared  to  forego
   taxes  because we wanted to create jobs for our  people,
   We   also   wanted  to  learn  about  the  manufacturing
   industry, to absorb the technology so we may reduce  our
   dependence  on  foreign investors.  And  learn  we  did.
   Today  many  of our industries are Malaysian  owned  and
   6.    Such was the success of our strategy that today 82
   percent of Malaysia's exports of nearly U.S. Dollar  100
   billion  a  year  or 380 billion Ringgit is made  up  of
   manufactured  goods.   Because  we  have  absorbed   the
   technology  and  management  skills   today  a   growing
   portion of the manufactured goods is by Malaysian  owned
   and managed companies.
   7.    The  industrialisation spurred the growth  of  the
   Malaysian   economy,   creating  jobs   and   increasing
   disposable  incomes  and  also  creating  a   need   for
   adequate  modern infrastructure. And so roads, railways,
   power  plants, water supply, ports, airports  have  been
   and   are   being   built.  Building  these   not   only
   contributes  to  the expansion of the economy  but  also
   provides  opportunities for acquiring civil  engineering
   technology  and  skills.   Today we are able  to  export
   these  skill.  But throughout we have been very  careful
   in  the  management of our money, expanding  only  at  a
   rate that we can afford, and borrowing only what we  can
   8.    The  government  has always closely  followed  the
   technological   advancements  in  the  world   and   has
   encouraged the acquisition of new technologies  for  new
   industries.  When  I.T. looked like being  an  important
   source  for growth, the government immediately responded
   and  encouraged  I.T. by providing money and  incentives
   for local and foreign investment in this area.
   9.    Research  and development have always  been  given
   strong  support by the government. Laboratories  set  up
   by  the  government have successfully helped to increase
   the  productivity of Malaysian industries. The Malaysian
   rubber  trees  produce ten times more  rubber  than  the
   original   tree  brought  from  Brazil.  Similarly   the
   Malaysian  oil palm bears fruit in the 4th year  instead
   of  the  7th  year of the original tree. The  yield  per
   tree  is  also greater. Now the research is in the  I.T.
   field  and  already Malaysians are producing  their  own
   computers  and  other hardware as well as  software  for
   domestic use and for exports.
   10.   With  our capability to successfully  develop  and
   manage our economy, Malaysia is now regarded as a  model
   for  developing  countries. Many officials  and  leaders
   from  developing  countries  have  come  to  study   our
   development experience. Malaysian officials  have  often
   been  invited by other countries to provide  advice  and
   training  in  various  aspects  of  administration   and
   11.   These achievements require a shift in the  mindset
   of  Malaysians  towards the adoption of positive  values
   and     attitudes,    especially    perseverance     and
   determination,  willingness to compete, self-confidence,
   resilience  and readiness to innovate.  We  have  always
   been  prepared to learn from other countries  and  adapt
   their  policies  to suit our needs and environment.  For
   example,  more than two decades ago, with  the  adoption
   of  the Look East Policy, we learnt to emulate the  work
   ethics  and  culture of the Japanese  and  Koreans  that
   emphasise dedication, discipline and loyalty as well  as
   diligence  towards  attaining national  development.  We
   also  instilled  the principle of clean,  efficient  and
   trustworthiness  as well as leadership by  example.  The
   public  service  has  been built  on  the  principle  of
   efficiency, discipline and quality.
   12.   The foundation of the knowledge based economy that
   is  the  bedrock of our Vision 2020 is eventually  based
   on  having a stream of well-trained people managing  the
   key  assets of the country. We need to build  our  human
   capital  and that means producing and nurturing our  own
   leaders  benchmarked against the best in the  world.  We
   need  to  continuously strive to bring about a  paradigm
   shift  in  the  mindset of Malaysians  so  that  we  can
   become   a  more  responsible,  modern  and  progressive
   society,  with  sharp  thinking  skills,  proud  of  our
   achievements  and confidence in our abilities,  in  line
   with  the information age. We need to build systems  and
   institutions that encourage learning at all  levels  and
   13.   The  Malaysian  Government in  our  Third  Outline
   Perspective  Plan  tabled  on  3  April  2000   at   the
   Parliament   highlighted  the  importance  of   Lifelong
   Learning.   Lifelong  learning  will  and  is   becoming
   increasingly  important  in the knowledge-based  economy
   where  knowledge  and  skills need  to  be  continuously
   updated  and upgraded. New skills and expertise will  be
   required to improve employability and productivity.  The
   old  idea  that once you are trained for something  then
   you  continue to do the same thing over and  over  again
   for  years  and years is no longer tenable.   Your  work
   and  your skills will have to change with the continuous
   technological changes over time.
   14.   The  Government has initiated efforts  to  promote
   and    implement   programs   for   lifelong   learning.
   Affordable   accessibility  to  training   courses   and
   education  programs through the Internet or  other  ICT-
   related media is being provided so that Malaysians  have
   the   opportunity   to  acquire  new  competencies   and
   qualifications for career advancement. More I.T.  kiosks
   and  cyber  centres  will be set up by  the  Government,
   especially    in   the   rural   areas,   to    increase
   accessibility  to education and training.  In  addition,
   the    establishment   of   community   colleges,   open
   universities   and  distance  education   will   provide
   avenues for Malaysians to pursue tertiary education  and
   upgrade    their   skills   and   qualifications.    The
   establishment  of community colleges will  also  provide
   opportunities  particularly  to  those  who  leave   the
   school  system  to  join the labour market,  to  further
   their  education  and  training. Financial  institutions
   will  also  be  encouraged  to  provide  soft  loans  to
   working   adults   to  continue  their  education.   The
   Employees   Provident  Fund  provides  an   avenue   for
   Malaysians  to  finance their own  education.  Employers
   will  be  encouraged  to promote lifelong  learning  and
   retraining   to  equip  workers  with  new  skills   and
   knowledge  so  that  they can keep up  with  the  steady
   stream of technological advances.
   15.   I  greatly commend the efforts of Bank  Negara  to
   create  an  institution,  the International  Centre  for
   Leadership in Finance, (ICLIF) as a centre for  lifelong
   learning and excellence amongst leaders in Asia. I  hope
   it  is  able to integrate the ideas of the East and  the
   West   to   evolve   a  unique  model   for   leadership
   development  applicable  to  both  private  and   public
   sector.  We  are living at a very interesting  stage  in
   the  history  of  development  and  the  development  of
   leaders is critical for sustainable economic growth  not
   only of our nation, but our region as a whole.
   16.   I  wish ICLIF all the very best and hope  that  it
   becomes  a  shining  beacon of excellence  in  executive
   education, not just in Asia but also around the world.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri
