Tarikh/Date 	: 	18/01/96 

           It  is  indeed an honour for me and my wife to welcome
    you  Mr.  Prime  Minister and Mrs. Chretien  on  your  first
    official  visit to Malaysia.  We also feel honoured  by  the
    presence  of provincial Premiers and top Canadian  corporate
    leaders  in  your delegation.  We hope that this visit  will
    provide you with a better understanding and appreciation  of
    the  rich political, economic and cultural diversity in  our
    country as well as the opportunities for greater economic co
    -operation between Malaysia and Canada.

    2.    Both  of us have had the opportunity to discuss  broad
    areas  of co-operation and issues of common concern  in  our
    meetings  recently  in  Auckland  and  Osaka.   Your   visit
    provides  us with another opportunity to discuss further  on
    ways  and  means  of  strengthening the  already  close  and
    cordial ties that exist between our two countries.

    3.    Despite  the geographical distance that separates  our
    two  countries, Canada is always close to the heart of  most
    Malaysians.   Thousands of Malaysian students have  gone  to
    Canada  to  pursue their higher education  over  the  years.
    Those   who   have  returned  are  today  holding  important
    positions  in  government  and  business.   They   form   an
    important   link   in  Malaysia-Canada  relationship.    The
    excellent  facilities that Canada provides will continue  to
    attract large numbers of Malaysian students in the years  to
    come.   On  behalf of the Malaysian government,  I  wish  to
    thank  you  for the co-operation that Canada  has  given  in
    providing education and training to so many of our students.
    We hope we can continue to count on Canada in our efforts to
    produce sufficient trained professionals to meet our growing
    manpower requirements.

    4.    Malaysia  needs  a large pool of trained  and  skilful
    professionals in its quest to become a developed  nation  by
    the  year  2020.   The momentum of economic development  and
    industrialisation is expected to increase as we approach the
    21st  century,  opening up in the process new  opportunities
    for  foreign  investment and participation.   The  door  for
    Canadian participation is always wide open.  Let me  add  at
    this  juncture that the developed nation that we  aspire  to
    become  is not just one that enjoys a high level of economic
    development  and industrialisation and high income  for  its
    citizens  but  also one that upholds strong moral,  cultural
    and  religious values.  Respect for these values would go  a
    long  way  towards establishing a durable relationship  with

    5.    Other  than  co-operating together  at  the  bilateral
    level, under which Malaysia has benefited considerably  from
    Canadian  technical assistance programme, our two  countries
    have  also been closely engaged in common endeavours  within
    the  United  Nations  system, the  Commonwealth,  the  ASEAN
    dialogue process and APEC.  It is clear from the interaction
    that  we share many common interests, ranging from the  need
    to  strengthen the role of the United Nations as a factor of
    global peace and stability to the specific need to foster co
    -operative  peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.
    We  have participated in common peace-keeping operations  in
    different   parts   of  the  world  and  we   are   together
    deliberating  on other measures that would prevent  conflict
    and  spare human beings from the kind of tragedies  that  we
    have seen in Bosnia, Somalia and Rwanda.

    6.    With  the  reservoir  of  goodwill  and  understanding
    generated  through  years of close  co-operation,  a  strong
    foundation has been built on which Malaysia and Canada could
    further  intensify  our relations.  The signing  of  several
    agreements  and  Memoranda of Understanding today,  covering
    air services, education and forestry strengthen our optimism
    in the future of Malaysia-Canada ties.

    7.   The end of the Cold War has brought many changes to the
    region  as  it has to Europe and other parts of  the  world.
    Today, Southeast Asia is enjoying peace as never before.   A
    socialist  Vietnam  is  today a  member  of  ASEAN.  We  are
    optimistic that very soon ASEAN will become a family of ten.
    It  is  a  rich market and blessed with abundant  resources.
    With  growing  prosperity, the ASEAN Ten will  be  a  bigger
    anchor  for  peace and stability for the entire region.   It
    speaks  highly  of  Canada for having the  foresight  to  be
    engaged with ASEAN as a dialogue partner from an early date.
    Malaysia   welcomes  Canadian  collaboration  with   ASEAN`s
    development  efforts  as well as its  participation  in  the
    ASEAN  Regional Forum.  Canada has done so on the  basis  of
    partnership  and  full  respect for  the  sensitivities  and
    interest  of ASEAN.  This is the way we expect of all  those
    who wish to co-operate with ASEAN.

    8.    In  conclusion,  may  I once again  express  our  deep
    appreciation for your visit and hope that you will  have  an
    enjoyable and memorable stay in our country. 
