Tarikh/Date 	: 	02/04/96 

           It  gives me great pleasure, on behalf of  the
    Government  and people of Malaysia,  to  extend  our
    warmest  welcome  to you, Mr. Prime  Minister,  Lady
    Stella  Chan  and  members of the Papua  New  Guinea
    Delegation  to Malaysia.  We trust that  this  visit
    will  be  an  important  landmark  in  strengthening
    relations between our two countries.
    2.    Malaysia has always placed great importance to
    developing warm, friendly and close cooperation with
    countries   in  Southeast  Asia  and  the  immediate
    neighbourhood.  In this regard we are encouraged  by
    the  positive  response we have had from  Papua  New
    Guinea  and  the other island nations of  the  South
    Pacific.  Papua New Guinea's `Look North' policy, in
    particular,  is a source of great encouragement  for
    3.    Since 1975 when Papua New Guinea achieved  its
    independence,    the   Malaysian   Government    has
    consistently  taken a deep interest in  developments
    affecting  your  beautiful country.   We  note  that
    Papua  New Guinea is strongly committed to democracy
    and   to  the  socio-economic  development  of   the
    country.   We  also note Papua New  Guinea's  active
    role  in the South Pacific Forum particularly during
    your current capacity as Chairman.
    4.    It  is  encouraging that Papua New Guinea  has
    endeavoured to bring the small island nations of the
    South  Pacific closer to the Southeast Asian  region
    and  to  ASEAN in particular.  Papua New  Guinea  is
    well placed to do this by virtue of the prestige and
    high  regard  in which she is held in both  regions.
    Malaysia welcomes these efforts and trusts that they
    will bring benefits to both sides.
    5.   The potential for cooperation between Southeast
    Asia and the South Pacific region is extremely good.
    The  best  evidence of this is the  estimated  three
    thousand  Malaysians who now live and  work  in  the
    South  Pacific island nations, especially  in  Papua
    New  Guinea.   This  is a tangible manifestation  of
    South-South  cooperation and of the  entrepreneurial
    spirit  of  the Malaysian corporate  sector.   I  am
    proud  to  note  that,  having  been  successful  in
    economic  activities  related to  timber  resources,
    they  have now diversified into other areas such  as
    agriculture,  infrastructure,  housing  and  various
    manufacturing, retail and service industries.  There
    seems  to be much confidence and considerable  scope
    for joint partnerships in other areas.
    6.    Malaysia is upbeat about the participation  of
    Malaysian   entrepreneurs  in  Papua  New   Guinea's
    development.   This  is  a  useful  supplement   and
    adjunct  to the modest assistance offered under  the
    Malaysian  Technical Cooperation Programme.   It  is
    our  sincere  hope  that the  Programme  has  proved
    useful  in  meeting  the  requirements  of  the  PNG
    7.    What Malaysia cannot provide by way of  grants
    or  loans  we  hope  to  make up  with  investments,
    sharing  of  expertise  in  certain  fields  and   a
    willingness to work as equal partners.  I have asked
    the  Malaysian  private sector to go  for  long-term
    relationships  and to abide by local  customs,  laws
    and  practices.  The success of these operations  is
    important in encouranging more Malaysians with   the
    know-how and capital to venture into even more areas
    and  in a bigger way.  We realise however that  what
    our entrepreneurs can do will be modest and can only
    supplement   and  complement  the   role   of   your
    government  and  that  of  other  countries.   I  am
    pleased  that Malaysian companies currently  provide
    employment to about 20,000 PNG nationals.
    8.    Your  present  visit here, I hope,  Mr.  Prime
    Minister, will enable you to take a look at some  of
    the things that Malaysia can offer.  We believe that
    the  joint-ventures that we have already established
    will  help  broaden  and deepen  the  scope  of  our
    relations.    I  am  confident  that   with   better
    understanding of each other, the challenges that  we
    face in the future will be easily overcome.  Our two
    countries  can draw satisfaction from  the  numerous
    opportunities  that exist to consolidate  our  close
    relationship further.
    9.   Let me once again welcome you, Lady Stella Chan
    and  members of your delegation to Malaysia with the
    hope  that  you would have a pleasant and  memorable
    stay  in  Kuala Lumpur, Kuching and Sibu during  the

